How many Old Testament books are in the bible?
Who is more favored?
What did Noah do?
build an Ark
What is orginal sin?
The first sin of Adam and Eve?
Who was Lot?
He was a man who regretted his choice to live in sodom
how many New testament books are in the bible?
What were the Jobs of Cain and Abel
How long did the rains last for?
40 days and 40 nights
what was Eves punishment?
Increase pain in childbirth, strained relationship with her husband
What did God ask abraham to sacrafice?
His son Isaac
what is God's most common name?
I am
How long did the Earth remain flooded?
150 days
What was Adam's punishment?
Hardship in labor. Both: not as good of a relationship with god
What did God as Abram to do?
to leave his family and town
How many books are there in total in the Bible?
What did Noah send from the ark to see if flood waters receded?
A raven and a dove
What is the sabbath covanent?
It is a sign between God and His people forever.
What are some features of Abram's hometown?
Ur of the Chaldeans
How do you say Bible in greek?
What was the offering that Abel brought to God?
The firstborn of his flock and their fat portions
What is the significance of the rainbow?
Their symbols of god's faithfulness
How did they disobey god?
eating the fruit of the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil
Abram’s family was most likely involved in what type of work?
Shepherding and animal husbandry