What year was it when the first vision happened?
What is the name of the angel who visited Joseph Smith?
Angel Moroni
“If any of you lack ____, let him ask of God.”
James 1:5
Joseph was 85 when he had the First Vision
False. He was 14
What was the question Joseph was praying to find an answer to?
’Which church should I join?’
What were Joseph’s parent’s names?
Joseph & Lucy Smith
“This is my beloved ___, hear Him.”
It took Joseph 2 years to translate the gold plates
False. It took less than 3 months!
What was Joseph doing for the first time before his vision?
Praying out loud
When Joseph was reading the bible, what verse did he stumble upon?
James 1:5
“I saw a _____ __ ____ exactly over my head.”
-Joseph Smith
Pillar of light
Joseph had leg surgery when he was 10
False. He was 7