What was the biggest sea surrounding Egypt?
The Mediterranian Sea
Who got the privilege of being mummified?
The pharaoh, and sometimes the priests and nobles.
Who is Re?
The god of the sun.
How long did the Middle Kingdom last?
About 380 years.
Are parakeets herbivores, insectivores (insect eaters), carnivores, or omnivores?
Was Upper Egypt in the north part of Egypt? Yes or no
What was rubbed under the skin of dead people before they were mummified?
Salt and spices
Who is Seshat?
The goddess of writing and wisdom.
How long did the New Kingdom last?
About 470 years.
What do I want to name my parakeet?
Huck. (Short for Huckleberry Finn. He is a character in Tom Saywer.)
What sea is to the east of Egypt?
The Red Sea.
Who was the god of the underworld?
Who was Hapi?
The god of the Nile River.
Who took over the Middle Kingdom?
The Hyksos.
What is the name of the youngest dog at my house?
Was Egypt to the east, west, north, or south of Mesopotamia?
It was to the west.
Why did people mummify the pharoah's body?
So that there spirit wouldn't wander forever.
What god were pharaohs thought to be related to?
The sun god, Re.
What group took over the New Kingdom?
Multiple groups from all around.
What is my sister's gecko's name?
Name one city in Ancient Egypt.
Memphis, Thebes,
What was buried with the pharaoh?
Who supposedly talked to the gods?
The pharaoh.
How to say Hyksos?
Is my sister's gecko a omnivore, an herbivores, or an insectivores?
An omnivore.