what is the smallest dog breed
what color is Garfield
what part of a hamsters body never stops growing
their teeth
what is a male rabbit called
a buck
what dog breed is Scooby doo
great dane
how many hours a day does a cat sleep
12-16 hours
how long does an average hamster live
2-3 years
what is a female rabbit called
a doe
how do dogs sweat
through their tongues
cats are one of the only mammals that can't taste what?
what state are hamsters banned in
how long does an average rabbit live
how long does a average guinea pig live
how many dogs are there in the world
900 million
what did ancient egyptians do when their cat dies
they shave off their eyebrows
how many species of hamsters are there
how many different species of rabbits are there
what body part does a lizard smell with
(not their nose)
their tounge
What is the most popular dog breed in the United states
labrador retriever
how many cats are there in the world?
1 billion
what language does the word hamster come from
what is a baby rabbit called
a kit or kitten
how many species of snakes are there the world