Case Scenarios

T or F

Babies have immature pain development and don't feel pain



We use this white milky looking fluid to put people to sleep (also called the Michael Jackson drug)



T or F

There is nothing wrong with this EKG



What will Ken remind you to do in every preop setting as well as after intubation? (Lol this a gentle reminder to those that dont do it)

Listen to heart and lungs


I walk in to set up my room for the first time ever and I dont remember how to do a machine check. What do I do?!?!

A. call in sick

B. take the L and let my preceptor do it

C.  Get help

C. get help via the anesthesia tech or other qualified personnel 


You should never touch which color towels in the OR.





Blue!!! most of the time they are sterile


Choose the common drug we use. Beware only one is a drug and the rest are pokemon!

A. Vulpix

B. Rayquaza

C. Rocuronium


C. Rocuronium


In action potentials this ion goes into the cell to depolarize the membrane



Pediatric patients have a specific airway to them. They have a stiff ______ shape epiglottis. What Greek letter is used to describe their airway?

A. Delta

B. Kappa

C. Omega

D. Beta



I have a difficult airway and think I put the endotracheal tube in the right place. I go to confirm placement using EtCO2 but don't see anything. Name the animal of the event possibly associated with this.

A. lion

B. panda

C. squid

D. goose



Anesthesia reference:

in a duet with Rihanna he sang "i cant tell you what it really is, I can only tell you what it feels like, and right now theres a steel knife in my windpipe"



Im eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich and feel a little funky afterwards. OHHH no my vocal cords are closing up so i reach for a specific cylindrical device to stab into my thigh. What medication comes out of that device?



Is blood coming out of the pulmonary arteries oxygenated or deoxygenated?



You don't have a good view of the vocal cords and you cant properly open the patients mouth. After some airway manipulation you see vocal cords. What airway device could you use to get a tube through? (Hint: some people use this word to connotate fancy or luxurious things)



you put in your first Laryngeal mask airway in (hurray!) and you put them on the ventilator. after a couple of minutes you see the patient moving around a lot. Oh no you forgot to turn on the anesthetic gas.... what would be our fastest way of putting them back under?

A. Turn the gas as high as it goes and then to get the gas even higher get another anesthesia machine to double up

B. baseball bat (not a good option)

C. give them a nice big bolus of propofol

D. Give them a paralytic so they can just relax and stop moving

C. Propofol works faster than gas

Always make sure to turn on the gas


Number of times Josh has Goosed an airway



You are in the OR for the first time and your preceptor assumes you know all the different kinds of fluids you can give someone and tells you to go get a bag of fluids. Choose which fluid is actually one we give

A.Fermented Saline

B.Lactated Ringers

C.Hydrophobic Saline

D. Aquafina in a bag

B.Lactated Ringers


This nerve keeps the diaphragm alive and is the main nerve used for muscle if inspiration (hint: the rhyme goes C3,4,5 keep the ____ nerve alive)

Phrenic nerve


You are getting ready for intubation of a 200 kg person (houston medium) and you see they have a limited mouth opening and very thick neck. What should be your approach for airway management?

A. Direct laryngoscopy because if you lift enough you might get a good view....maybe

B. Videoscope to get the best possible view

C. Plan on having your preceptor intubate because you don't want to look bad if you miss an airway

D. Bagmask them the entire case. You probably have bulletproof forearms anyways

B. Videoscope

We aren't trying to be a hero we are doing the safest thing for patients


What temperature related issue are we most worried about when we ask if a patient has had any adverse affects to anesthesia in the past?

A. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

B. Hypothermia after general anesthesia because the anesthetist forgot to put on a warmer

C. Malignant Hyperthermia

D. Anesthesia Sweats



Number of times I have accidentally hit the code button while leaning up against the wall

A. twice

B. none

C. more than 5+



Your preceptor tells you that the patient is going to need a 1:200,000 epinephrine solution and that he needs it ASAP, but oh no its your first day in the OR and you arent sure how to do that. Select the answer that best fits your decision.

A. Find the epipen and just squirt it into a 100 mL saline bag.

B. Pullout the first bottle you see from the pyxis (drug dispenser) and inject that amount straight into the IV

C. Ask for assistance with the drug dilution

D.Your preceptor is wrong and epi should only be given in anaphylactic shock

C. ask for assistance!


A patient comes to the OR for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy for your first ever case. You induce, intubate and proceed without complications. The surgeon fills the abdomen with CO2 and all of the sudden you see this on the EKG. What should you do?

A.Get the paddles and shock them

B. hearts restart all the time by themselves so this was a planned event

C.Get the crash cart.

D.Stand back and listen to your preceptor and be ready to act

Vagal response due to insufflation of the abdomen. sometimes pretty common

D.Always be alert and listening to your preceptor


You are in the endo suite for the day and have an add on colonoscopy to do. Everything is going well until you see the patient start to desaturate so you give them a chin lift. What strategy might be more useful and prevalent for this case?

A. pray for mercy that it comes back up

B. Give them a nice big jaw thrust

C. desaturation is indications to intubate duh

D. patient is probably half bacteria and can handle living extended periods without oxygen

B. Jaw thrust

It is your go to for airway obstructions and for bagmasking


Your patient has had a sudden drop in BP and is staying that way despite multiple pressors going into IV.  He is busy at the moment and tells you to get the attending in at once. You leave the OR and a nurse gets your attention and tells you that they have seen the situation before and to administer some epinephrine. What do you do?

A.listen to your preceptor and get your attending

B. Epi works for profound hypotension so take it and run back

C.Get the crash cart instead because this is a "shocking" situation

D. roll up your sleeves and walk back into the OR, head held high and say i got this!

A. get your attending