
Children receive their first dose of this live vaccine at 12 months and a booster at 4-6 years to prevent a contagious rash-causing disease.

What is the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine?


This is the highest possible total score on the NIPS scale, indicating severe pain."

What is 7?


This hotline should be called immediately if a child ingests a poisonous substance."

What is Poison Control (1-800-222-1222)?


"A child is getting a DTaP vaccine. This vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus, and ______."

What is pertussis (whooping cough)?


The NIPS pain scale is used to assess pain in this age group.

What are neonates (infants less than 1 month old)?


"Metabolic, vision, iron-deficiency anemia, and lead poisoning screenings are examples of what type of assessments?

What are universal screenings?


"A child builds their own immunity after receiving a live or inactivated vaccine. What type of immunity is this?

What is active immunity


"The ABC approach in pediatric emergencies stands for what?"

What is Airway, Breathing, Circulation?


"This small, flexible tube is inserted into a peripheral vein and advanced to the superior vena cava for long-term IV therapy."

What is a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC line)?


"A child’s tonsils appear large but without redness or pus. The nurse documents this as ______."

What is a normal finding?


"A school-aged child with asthma suddenly develops severe wheezing and is unable to speak. What is the nurse’s immediate action?"

What is administer a short-acting bronchodilator (albuterol)?


Peripheral cyanosis in newborns is common due to immature circulation and is referred to as this.

What is acrocyanosis?


"In cases of pediatric drowning, the first priority in resuscitation is to assess this life-critical function.

What is airway/breathing?


"A nurse is performing a developmental surveillance on a toddler. Which of the following should raise concern?"
A) Walking without assistance at 15 months
B) Speaking in two-word phrases at 24 months
C) Not responding to their name by 12 months
D) Using a spoon at 18 months

What is C) Not responding to their name by 12 months?


"The best way to examine a toddler’s ears is to pull the pinna in this direction."

What is down and back


This type of abuse involves constant criticism, threats, or withholding love to harm a child’s emotional development.

What is emotional (or psychological) abuse?


"This opioid analgesic is commonly used in children for moderate to severe pain but requires careful monitoring for respiratory depression."

What is morphine?


"This type of immunity occurs when a child receives antibodies from another source, like breast milk or an injection."

What is passive immunity?


"This procedure must always be done before administering feeds through an NG tube to confirm correct placement."

What is checking gastric residuals or aspirating stomach content


The provider orders Amoxicillin 40 mg/kg/day in two divided doses for a child who weighs 15 kg. The pharmacy provides Amoxicillin 250 mg/5 mL suspension.

6 mL per dose


True or False: A nurse must have proof of abuse before filing a report."

What is False? (Nurses only need reasonable suspicion to report abuse.)


This acronym, used in pediatric pain assessment, includes ‘Question the child, Evaluate behavior, Secure parental involvement, Take action, and Take cause of pain into account.’"

What is QUESTT?


"A caregiver who fabricates or induces illness in a child for attention may have this disorder."

What is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another)


"A 2-year-old accidentally ingests an unknown amount of acetaminophen. What is the priority nursing action

"What is administer activated charcoal and check liver function tests?"


A 5-year-old child is admitted for dehydration. The provider orders 1000 mL of normal saline to be infused over 8 hours

125 mL/hour