What are all the advisors nicknames?
What is Canada, Ernie, Bernard, James, and Aubrey
How many continents are there?
What is 7
How many daughters does Mrs.Carrillo have?
What is two
This 1990 holiday movie features a young boy defending his home from burglars.
What is Home Alone?
How many kids does Mr.Lindsey have?
What is 3
What ride at DisneyLand is Mr.Lindsey afraid of?
What planet shares its name with a chemical element?
What did Mrs.Carrillo teach before ASB?
What is English/ELA
In Forrest Gump, Forrest says his mother compared life to this item?
What is a box of chocolates?
What college did Mr.Lindsey go to?
What is ASU/Arizona State
How many times has Senor Valle quit ASB this year?
What is 7
Who painted "Starry Night"?
What is Vincent Van Gogh
Name all three sports that Mrs.Carrillo has done.
What is waterpolo, swim, and volleyball
What is the real name of Black Panther, played by Chadwick Boseman?
What is T'Challa
What is Mr.Lindsey's favorite food? (type of culture)
What is Mexican food
What two colleges did Miss Bennett attend?
What is Stanislaus and Long Beach
How many zeros are in a billion?
What is 9
What career path was Ms. Carrillo in before education?
What is banking and finance
Shrek is based on a book written by this author.
Who is William Steig?
What school did Mr.Lindsey teach at before Liberty?
What is WoodCrest Junior High
All combined how many years has the Advisors been teaching for?
What does CEo stand for?
What is Chief Executive Officer
What are Ms. Carrillo’s daughters' names?
What is Arya and Zoey
What is the name of the haunted hotel in The Shining?
What is The Overlook Hotel
How many HERD awards does Mr.Lindsey have?
What is 4