Why do all organisms need food?
Organisms get the energy they need for their life processes from food.
“Photosynthesis and cellular respiration have opposite effects on gases in the atmosphere.” Explain this statement.
Photosynthesis takes up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releases oxygen. Cellular respiration takes up oxygen from the atmosphere and releases carbon dioxide.
Compare the chemical equations for photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Explain how the two processes are interrelated.
The equation for photosynthesis is the inverse of the equation for cellular respiration.
a calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of a gram of water by 1 degree
where do organisms get the energy they need?
Write the overall reaction for cellular respiration
oxygen + glucose + -> carbon dioxide + water + energy
Breathing is required for cellular respiration. Use the reactions, products, and stages of cellular respiration to explain why breathing is needed.
it supplies the necessary oxygen needed for the process
What are the products of cellular respiration?
Carbon dioxide water, energy
process of energy conversion that releases energy from food in the presence
cellular respiration
how much does 1 gram of sugar glucose release?
3811 calories of heat energy
The first step in releasing the energy of glucose in the cell is known as _____.
Each gram of glucose represents approximately how much energy?
4 calories
Cells use the energy available in food to make a final energy-rich compound called _____.
pathways of cellular respiration that require oxygen
how many calories is 1 gram of beef fat released?
8893 calories of heat energy
Cellular respiration is balanced by photosynthesis; the two processes work together to maintain the cycling of carbon and oxygen among Earth systems. What describes the roles of carbon dioxide and water in these two processes?
Carbon dioxide and water are the reactants of photosynthesis and the products of cellular respiration.
Describe the process of aerobic respiration.
a process of energy conversion that releases energy from food in the presence of oxygen, forming new compounds
The molecule containing the most energy-storing chemical bonds is ___.
without air-process that does not require energy oxygen
the chemical pathway that glucose enters is called what?
Carbohydrates and proteins each release ______calories per gram when burned, and fat releases about _______ calories per gram
Yabine is studying energy from food in her nutrition class. She learns that fats, proteins, and carbohydrates can store different amounts of energy because they have different chemical ___________ and different numbers of energy-storing chemical bonds.
The second stage, called the Krebs cycle, and the third stage, electron transport, require the presence of oxygen, and are therefore __________.
aerobic respiration
aerobic respiration
The second stage, called the Krebs cycle, and the third stage, electron transport, requires the presence of oxygen.
what is the balanced cellular respiration formula