Definition of irony
Sarcasm/ Paradox
Read the paragraph and answer the question.
Dogs or Cats?
Many people wonder, dogs or cats? Well, cats are easier to take care of because they clean themselves, are very calm, and do their own business without any assistance. However, they can be stubborn or messy sometimes. Dogs on the other hand are very playful and caring but, they can also be messy and stubborn, they need assistance to do their business, and they can't clean themselves. So that leads up to the question. Which pet is better?
What type of text feature is the question "Dogs or Cats?"?
What does the name 'Pinocchio' mean?
A. Wooden Nose
B. Pine Eyes
C. Little liar
D. Wooden boy
Little liar
Jellyfish are marine animals because they live in the sea. They have characteristics that make them marine animals, like their irregular tentacles, umbrella shaped head, and fierce sting.
What is the main idea of this paragraph?
Jellyfish are marine animals
What are three synonyms for the word acknowledge?
Accept, Agree, Approve, Notice and Realize!
When Chase was reading his book, he saw a page at the start that had all the chapters on it and what pages they were on. What is this page called?
In the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, which of these items is not an item that Jack stole from the giant?
a. A sword
b. A bag of gold
c. A harp
d. The goose
A sword
One day, a grandma finished baking a cherry pie and set it on her windowsill. The sweet smell attracted three greedy little boys, they went to the pie and gobbled it all up. When the grandma saw this, she yelled "Hey!", but before she could catch the boys, they ran off. Her final words to those boys were, "You'll be sorry"
What phrase foreshadow that the three boys will have consequences?
"You'll be sorry"
This word means a way of life.
While watermelons are sometimes bland, there could be some very saccharine1
Saccharine: Excessively sweet or sentimental.
What type of text feature is used to describe the word saccharine?
In the original story, Hansel and Gretel get assistance from what kind of creature on their way home from the witch's home?
a. A duck
b. A frog
c. An eagle
d. A horse
A duck
What is it called when the reader knows something that the character does not?
Dramatic Irony
Which vocabulary word should replace the phrase in quotation marks in this sentence:
The rattle snake laid "wrapped in a circle" in the corner of the room.
What is the definition of acres?
a unit of land (area equal to 4,840 square yards)
What is the significance of bold or italic phrases and words in literature?
To emphasize the meaning of it
¨Yes the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.¨ What movie is this from?
A. The Little Mermaid
B. Hercules
C. The Lion King
D. Mulan
The Lion King
Chase and Dylan are very similar. They like the same games, food, shows, and all that stuff. One day, Chase was playing roblox on his computer, Dylan saw this and started playing with him too. However, Dylan had to stop playing because his Ipad died.
What is the difference between Chase and Dylan?
Chase plays on computer while Dylan plays on ipad.
Winnie the Pooh lives in 100 ________ wood
This vocabulary word refers to recurring symbols, themes, or patterns that appear in literature, mythology, and folklore across different cultures and time periods
What are sidebars used for in literature? Say at least one of there uses.
Sidebars provide additional information, insights, or anecdotes related to the main text or explain or define key terms or concepts
16 Who is trusted in locking the door to the diamond mine?
A. Sleepy
B. Grumpy
C. Bashful
D. Dopey
It was a very beautiful day on the farm. The crops were golden yellow, the tomatoes were giant, and the animals were healthy and active. Best of all, the Sun was shining it's warm rays across the whole farm.
What type of text structure is this paragraph?
What is the ADVERB in this sentence?
He ran quickly away from the fire.