Noah's TV broke in the middle of the Superbowl! He feels angry that he can no longer watch the game, so he flips a table and throws a chair at the window. Is this healthy or unhealthy?
Unhealthy! This was unhealthy because throwing things is dangerous and Noah did not do anything to stop the anger.
Thomas is feeling very angry and overwhelmed because someone at his job stole his pop. The person who took the pop has already left for the day but Thomas is still feeling angry, should Thomas take a walk around the building to calm himself down?
Yes! Walking and getting fresh air are both great coping skills!
This is a small, round object that people can squeeze when they are feeling angry
It is wrong to feel angry
False! Everyone feels angry sometimes
Kelsey is feeling angry because she did get to pick what she wanted for dinner. She hit her mom and said "next time get something I want". Is this healthy or unhealthy?
Unhealthy! Hitting is not healthy! She could respectfully ask her mom to get different food next week.
Andie went to a party and one of the party guests said something mean to her. Andie felt angry so she walked away and talked to her friend outside about what happened. Is this healthy or unhealthy?
Healthy! Andie walked away from a situation that made her angry and she talked about it with a friend.
Kitty is overwhelmed with anger because her Dad was supposed to pick her up from work at 12:00, but he did not arrive until 1:30. Kitty is angry that her dad was late, but her relationship with her dad is important to her. Should Kitty yell at her dad for being late?
No! Yelling is not a good coping skill. She could try taking deep breaths or stretching.
This is a place where someone can write about their feelings when they are overwhelmed.
Avoiding anger will make it go away
False! It is important to cope with anger when we feel it so it does not build up!
Bryanna is driving the van to CHOICE in the morning and got stuck behind a slow moving vehicle. She is really angry that she won't be on time to CHOICE, so she rolls down her window and yells at the driver to hurry up. Is this healthy or unhealthy?
Unhealthy! Yelling did not change the speed of the vehicle in front of her, and it caused several participants on the van to be upset.
Rodney has three cats, and his mom told him that he should get rid of them because they smell bad. Should he yell and call his mom names?
No! He could try calmly saying no after taking some deep breaths.
This anger coping skill involves moving your body to let your energy out
What is Exercise?
Exercising is a good way to cope with anger
Robin is feeling angry because the TV show she was trying to record did not actually get recorded. She was really looking forward to watching the show, and notices that her face is very red and hot from how angry she is. Should she splash water on her face to help her feel better?
Yes! Splashing water on the face, neck, or wrists is a great way to cope with anger!
Tim (Greg's homeboy) is playing bingo with his friends when someone tries to help Tim but Tim did not need help. He feels angry because he know he can play bingo on his own. Should Tim hit the other player with his shoe?
NO! hitting is not a healthy way to cope with anger
We should never feel angry
False! Feeling angry is important sometimes because it lets us know we need a change!
John is getting his hair cut, when the barber tells him that he would look better with his hair longer. John is angry because he does not like being told what to do with his hair. He grabs the barbers arm and bites it out of anger, is this healthy or unhealthy?
Unhealthy! Hurting other people is not a healthy coping strategy!
Heidi is dealing with a difficult roommate who bit her in a fit of rage. Heidi is overwhelmed with anger, should she take deep breaths and go for a walk?
Yes! Taking deep breaths and walking are healthy ways to cope!
I do not have to apologize for feeling angry, only for coping with my anger in ways that could hurt other people