A gunpowder weapon used to propel a metal ball.
A cannon.
A large group of merchants that have joined their businesses together.
What is a Guild?
The code that knights follow.
What is Chivalry?
What is 1,000,000?
Why castles were made.
What is for defense and protection?
The variant of bow most used in the middle ages.
What is a Longbow?
A feast in a large hall that guilds or monarchs have.
A knight's main weapon.
What is a sword?
What is 8?
A peasant bound to the land, working for a lord.
What is a Serf?
A siege in warfare.
What is a tactic of surrounding a castle to cut off it's supplies and eventually force it to surrender?
A kind of merchant that sells gold, buys gold, and makes it into coins.
What is a Goldsmith?
What you must train as before becoming a knight.
What is a Squire?
52 * 20
What is 1,040?
The person who lead the Roman Catholic Church.
What is a Pope?
A weapon used to hurl boulders using a counterweight.
What is a trebuchet?
A merchant that works with iron to make swords, armor, and the like.
A piece of land given to a knight after enough service to a king or Lord.
What is a fief?
5 ^ 3
(Basically 5*5*5)
What is 125?
What is 312
A battle tactic where soldiers go in a triangle-shaped formation to break through the line of enimies.
What is a flying wedge tactic?
A thing most guilds used to get to London without needing the London Bridge.
What is a Barge? (or ferry)
What you are supposed to do to become a knight after finishing training as a squire.
What is a great act of bravery or courage?
(Basically a battle or something like that.)
2 * (5 * 8 + 3)
What is 86?
What is a Vassal?