Who was the first killer in the Friday the13th film
Mrs Voorhees
Who.sang here a quarter call someone who care
Travis tritt
Thomas Jefferson is known for writing what
the declaration of independence
Who.p!ays the evil queen in magnificent
Angelina jolie
Roman were known for invented what
Who played Freddy Krueger in nightmare on elm street
Robert englund
Garth brooks sang this song only with the 3rd verse only on the live shows
friends in low places
Benjamin Franklin was known what experiment
flying a kite with a key to collect electricity
Nicholas cage is known for what Marvel super heroe
the ghost rider
Ancient Egyptian is known for invented what acteria food
What's was chucky catch phrase in child's play
wanna play
Stranger in my house was this country legends last number 1 hits
Ronnie milsap
George Armstrong Custer was killed in what battle
little big horn
Who played the bus driver in billy madison
Chris farley
Who youngest pharoah to rule egypt
king tut
John Carpenter directed this movie based on a Stephen king book about a evil vehicle
What famous rock group was in Travis tritt video take it easy
the eagles
What was the one thing all the founding fathers had in common
they hated each other
Who played snake plisken in escape from new york
Kurt Russell
Julius Caesar is known for what month
Who played Dr Loomis in the Halloween films
Donald Pleasence
Who sang the song Street of Bakersfield
Dwight yoakam and buck owens
Who's called king of the wild frontier
Davy crockett
Who played Mr potato head in Toy story
Don rickled
Who is the first Christian emperor of rome