what is nationalism?
pride and nation
How did Henry Clay hope to benefit from this election?
He hoped to become Secretary of State so he could become president.
What is the Indian Removal Act?
forced natives to move west of the Mississippi River.
When was Buren elected president?
What is the American System?
The American system called for a national bank that provided a single currency for all of America.
What hurt the popularity of President John Quincy Adams?
The American people believed he rigged the 1824 election and their votes were stolen.
Who passed the Indian removal act?
When did the American economy collapse?
Feb 1837
What is the Cumberland Road?
The First highway paid for by the Federal Government.
Who won the popular vote?
Andrew Jackson
Who were the first Indians to be removed?
Choctaw indians
Why did the economy collapse?
State banks printed too much paper money and had no gold or silver to back it, causing money to lose value.
What is the Missouri Compromise?
slavery would be banned over 36´ 30´ N.Latitude
Who was elected during this time?
John Quincy Adams was elected
Who wanted farmers to have lands east of the Mississippi River?
Andrew Jackson
Who was blamed for this?
Van Buren
What are spirituals?
Spirituals are folk hymns found in white and African folk music traditions.
Who became Secretary of State during this time?
Henry Clay became Secretary of State.
What was Oklahoma established as?
Indian Territory
What was his nickname?
“Martin Van Ruin.”