The maladaptive experience of anxiety in terms of intensity, duration, and pervasiveness
What are anxiety disorders?
Persistent low mood, loss of interest/pleasure in activities, appetite change, insomnia or hyposomnia, agitation/retardation, thoughts of death or suicide, loss of energy, feeling guilty/worthless, impaired focus
What are the symptoms of depression?
The categorization of Bipolar Disorder
What are extreme ups and downs?
What are manic and depressive episodes?
Systematic collection of relevant information used to evaluate clinically significant psychopathology.
What is assessment?
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
What is an SSRI?
The 3 components of anxiety
Whar are physiological, cognitive, and behavioral components?
The absence of joy and interest in activities that were previously enjoyable is...
What is anhedonia?
What is the difference between bipolar disorder and depression?
Consistent worrying, impairing fears, impaired focus, headaches when worrying, irritable, dysregulated sleep/sleep problems
What are symptoms/risk factors for anxiety?
cognitive restructuring, relaxation training, exposure therapy
What are some common practices of CBT?
Insecure attachment, self-reinforcing avoidance, emotional dysregulation, inhibited temperament, feeling unsafe when navigating world.
What are some etiological child factors for anxiety?
MDD + dysthymia = ?
What is double depression?
Many different fluctuations between hypomanic and depressive episodes, however, they do NOT meet diagnosable criteria.
Assumes that there are groups of individuals with relatively similar patterns of disorder.
What is clinical categorical classification?
After many exposure trials where habituation occurred, the target stimulus no longer causes anxiety.
What is extiniction?
Genomic variants
What are the differences in human genetics?
The framework/model used to better understand the connections between positive affect, negative affect, and anxious arousal --> How these contribute (or not) to depression and anxiety.
What is the tripartite model?
- family climate
- expressed emotion (critical, hostile, and over-involved)
What predicts relapse of BD?
"No one is going to talk to me or pay attention to me if I end up goingg"
"They are all going to laugh at me when I show up"
What is fortune telling?
Abilify, Geodon, Risperdal
What are second-generation antipsychotics for Child-Bipolar treatment?
An epigenetic factor that contributes to anxiety.
What is the regulation of cytokine signaling?
The candidate gene interplays with adversity, trauma, and stress
Glucocoticoid (HPA Axis)
The scale of depression and mania that is used to differentiate MDD, BD I, and BD II
Hint: name the 5 in order from 'low' point to 'high' point, as well as which ones classify the 3 different diagnoses.
What is severe depression, mild depression, euthymia, hypomania, and mania?
--> Severe depression, mild depression, and euthymia = MDD
--> Severe depression, mild depression, euthymia, and hypomania = BD II
--> all 5 = BD I
Formerly dysthymia.
What is PDD?
third-wave CBT approach, emphasized psychological flexibility with techniques such as cognitive diffusion and values-based action to treat anxiety and mood disorders.
What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy? (ACT)