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what is my fav collge football team
what is my podcast name
what is the newest movie AKA (musical)
fav song artist
forest frank
who is the chief football head choach
Andy reed
what is my latest Epsode topic
why are movies a thing
"to make people have somthing to injoy
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who is the best football team in the NFL in 2025
Philadelphia Eagles
my first topic
"who is God"
what is a movie -Definition-
-a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown in a theater or on television; a motion picture.
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what is the worst NFL team 2024
Arizona Cardinals
why do i have a podcast?
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what is the team with the most super bowl wins?
New England Patriots
when did my first topic come out
Nov 4th
-DALY DOUBLE- who is the most famous movie star
Samuel L. Jackson