What is Jayna’s Favorite haitian food?
What is Macaroni au Gratin?
When is Jayna’s Birthday?
what is March 14th?
Am I an Introvert or Extrovert?
What is an Introvert?
What’s my least favorite chore?
what is Dishes?
What’s my favorite hairstyle?
what is A wig?
What’s my middle name? (spelled correctly)
What is Lanice?
What is Jayna’s Favorite color?
What is pink?
What’s my reaction to seeing a spider in a room?
What is “I’m running for my lifeee, running for my lifeeee” ?
What is my favorite fruit?
What was Jayna’s Favorite cartoon as a kid?
What is Dora or Spongebob?
What’s my favorite season?
What is Spring or Fall?
Where does Jayna go to school?
What is The University of Kentucky?
If I could only have one, would I choose money or power?
what is MONEY DUH?
How tall am I?
what is 5’11 (I’ll take 5’10)?
Do I prefer the pool or the beach?
what is the pool?
What is my favorite online shop?
What sports did I play? Name ALL
What is Basketball, Track, and Cross Country?
What would my parents say is my worst personality trait?
what is My attitude?
How many times has Jayna sprained her ankle?
What is 2 times?
What board game makes me the most competitive?
What is Uno?
What’s my dream car?
What is the newest Kia K5?
What is my least favorite noise?
What is teeth grinding?
What was my favorite elementary school?
What is Gateway elementary?
Did I have a favorite neighbor growing up? If so, who?
what is Yes, Keys cove, upstairs neighbors?
What scent do I love the most?
what is Vanilla?