What are carbon and hydrogen (H₂O)?
The word "carbohydrate" is derived from these two elements and water.
What is Vitamin C?
Scurvy is caused by a deficiency of this vitamin.
What is setting goals?
This is the first step in planning a balanced diet, where you determine what you want to achieve.
What is carbon?
This element, along with hydrogen and oxygen, makes up carbohydrates.
What is rickets?
This disease weakens bones due to a lack of Vitamin D.
Name one common diet goal mentioned in the slide.
Researching what to eat to achieve your goal helps identify what you need to do more or less of.
What is 1:2:1 of carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates follow this ratio of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
What is tooth loss?
A person with scurvy may experience bleeding gums and this dental issue.
Name one way to stay organized and shop efficiently while maintaining a balanced diet.
One way to stay organized and shop efficiently while maintaining a balanced diet is to plan weekly meals.
What is a monomer?
This type of carbohydrate consists of smaller molecules that are easier to digest, such as glucose.
What is spending time in the sun?
The best natural way to get more Vitamin D and recover from rickets is by doing this.
How many essential nutrients are there?
What is an example of a polymer?
Sucrose is an example of this type of carbohydrate, which consists of chains of monomers.
What is obesity?
Obesity occurs when a person consumes more of these than their body needs.
Name two benefits of planning weekly meals in advance.
Proper planning helps in shopping efficiently and weight loss.