a commandment is a ____ __ __ ______
a commandment is a order to do something
what is another name for Canaan?
The promised land
the Torah is also called called..
"Law of Moses"
what is the tenth commandment
"you shall not covet your neighbors house, nor his wife, nor anything that is your neighbors."
where and when was judaism created
3000 years ago in the fertile crescent
how where the ten commandments made
God revealed the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai, and Moses then inscribed them on stone tablets.
how was Judaism created
Judaism emerged from the belief and practiced of the people known as "Isreal"
Primary Sorce: Do not ___ a _____ ___, or ____ any of this ways
"Do not envy a lawless man, Or choose any of this ways."
how was the Torah created
The Torah starts with God creating the world, then describes the beginnings of the people of Israel, their descent into Egypt, and the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai.
what is the fifth commandment
honnor your mother and father
Jewish religious teachers
what are Rabbis
who were the three leaders of Judaism
Abraham, Issac, and Jacob
the Torah is mainly focusing on _________
Abraham's son Isaac
after the defeat of _____, the Israelites went to conquer several other other kingdoms in Canaan.
Jericho >:3
what are psalms
they are poems or songs offering praises or prayers to god
what is the third book in the Torah