Which country contains England, Scotland and wales?
Great Britain
What do the people who reside in the UK prefer to call themselves?
English, Scottish, welsh or Irish
When did England invade Ireland?
In 1169
What’s the capital of the UK?
Which region in the UK has the largest number of migrants?
How many years ago, was Britain ruled by the Celts?
About 2000 years ago
Why has England always been the leading country in the UK?
because that’s where you find the seat of government and the home of the British Monarch
Who managed to maintain their language?
The welsh
What happened in the first century?
the Romans invaded the southern parts of what is Scotland today
How many people wanted Scotland to remain in the UK?
55,3 percent
How many people speak Welsh?
600,000 people speak Welsh, and the number is increasing
What did the Romans build?
a wall to defend the Empire from “the painted ones” who fought to keep their land
When did Ireland become a part of the UK?
What is the most populated nation in the UK?
England, with a population of 53 million people (84 percent of the UK’s total population)
How many miles does the Hadrian’s Wall stretch?
73 miles from coast to coast