who is Taylor swift
she is a singer
what type of food is yellow and a fruit
its a banana
What color makes blue and red
what is a galaxy
a vast, gravitationally bound system of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter
What is the most popular dog breed
Labrador Retriever
Who is Elon Musk
What type of food is red and it is a fruit
its a apple
what color makes red and green
What type of plant is pluto
dwarf planet
What is the best dog breed
Golden Retriever
Who is Lady Gaga
What type of food is pink and orange
its a peach
What color makes red and yellow
What is pluto made of
primarily composed of ice, with a rocky core, and its surface features include plains of frozen nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide, along with mountains of water ice.
what's the best dog breed for kids
Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Who is Johnny Depp
what type of food is green and tangy
its a lime
What color makes blue and green
What is the size of pluto
equatorial diameter of about 1,477 miles (2,377 kilometers)
what is the best dog breed for old people
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Shih Tzus, Poodles (Miniature or Toy), and Bichon Frises
Who is Sylvester Stallone
what type of food is light green
its a pear
What color makes yellow
Red and light green
How big is the universe?
roughly 93 billion light-years in diameter
What is the name of the membrane that covers the eye of a dog, and what is its function?
nictitating membrane