This Commissioner was the youngest elected to the LPSC at the age of 30.
Who is Davante Lewis?
What is "Digital Subscriber Line"?
The distance from an existing point of connection that an electric utility generally has the exclusive right to serve.
What is the 300 Foot Rule?
(La. R.S. sec. 45:123; LPSC Gen. Order 10/6/2005)
Generally, an LPSC order becomes effective this many days after issuance.
What is 10?
(Rule 43)
This singer, who died in a plane crash in Natchitoches, Louisiana, in 1973, requests a telephone operator's help locating the phone number of his former ex-girlfriend in his hit song "Operator."
Who is Jim Croce?
This Commissioner was elected to the Country Music Hall of Fame in 1972.
Who is James H. "Jimmie" Davis?
What is "Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act"?
The line-item cost for direct fuel and generation dependent costs.
What is a fuel adjustment clause?
Any party may conduct discovery regarding any issue that is relevant to the subject matter of the docketed proceeding, as long as the requested information is not _______.
What is privileged?
(Rule 33C)
American Indie pop duo MGMT released this six-time platinum single from their debut album Oracular Spectacular.
What is Electric Feel?
This former Commissioner once forced railroads to slow down when traveling through his hometown of Oberlin because their whistles disturbed his hunting dogs.
Who is Ernest Clements?
What is "Renewable Energy Credit"?
An RFP competitive solicitation process required to support the acquisition of most generating capacity or long-term power purchase contracts.
What is a market-based mechanism?
A deposition may be admitted into evidence at an LPSC administrative hearing, in lieu of live testimony, if ____.
What is, "It is duly noticed and all parties are provided an opportunity to cross-examine"?
(Rule 33D)
Eddy Grant rocks down this London thoroughfare in this 1982 hit.
What is Electric Avenue?
This past Commissioner served District C from 1974-1992 and was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention for the 1974 Constitution.
Who is Louis J. Lambert, Jr.?
What is "Demand Side Management"?
The marginal cost for a public utility to produce one more unit of power.
What is the avoided cost?
This proceeding allows a Commissioner to receive, without regard to the legal rules of admissibility, any evidence...which would ordinarily be relied upon by a prudent person in an ordinary business transaction.
What is an uncontested proceeding?
(Rule 34)
This German R&B duo may not have been thinking of the LPSC's "Do Not Call Program" when they wrote their 1989 hit "Baby, Don't Forget My Number."
Who is Milli Vanilli?
The last Commissioner to be appointed to the LPSC.
Who is E. Pat Manuel?
What is "Plain Old Telephone Service"?
Acronyms for the measurement of duration and frequency of an electric utility's interruptions of service.
What are SAIDI and SAIFI?
This Rule provides that in its sound discretion, the LPSC may suspend operation of the Rules or modify them immediately, may authorize temporary rates, or may grant temporary operating authority.
What is Rule 51?
In Disney's "A Goofy Movie (1995)," this fictional pop star is the idol of Max Goof and performs the songs "Stand Out" and "I 2 I."
Who is Powerline?