What must be initiated with LMRs?
Verify Equipment Listing
Establish/Maintain AF 1297s/Sign-in and Sign-out Sheets
Account for radios programmed with special nets (Shogun, EOD, Fire, EM)
Conduct radio checks with teams and alternate UCC
Return and sign-out all radios
Clean/Refuel/Return all vehicles
Clean Staging Area
Inventory/Return unused tools/kits to original location
What does IEMP 10-2 stand for
Installation Emergency Management Plan 10-2
What is the purpose of a recall; and where can you find the recall roster?
Account for all military personnel directly and indirectly affected by incident
Share Z Drive
What does CRP stand for
Contingency Response Plan
Where can you find the UCC Checklists?
Binder in UCC
UCC / MFE ShareDrive
What signs must be taken down/changed for all facilities?
Which form can be used to process and request CE materiel?
AF Form 9 - Request for Purchase
How many types of recalls are there? What are they?
At what level is the CRP managed?
Unit (in our case, the CEG)
List all items requiring communications checks
SIPRNet Computers
NIPRNet Computers
18 CEG/UCC Distro Box Access
Walk me through closing out SIPR networks
Log off SIPR
Remove classified hard drives and return to safe/vault
File all classified documents in binder/secure in safe/vault
Clean up trash and reorganize belongings
Who are the typical CE personnel that can be seen out on the affected airfield?
Which 3e6 will print out the recall rosters once the recall initiated and requiring members to report physically?
The first 3e6 to get to the UCC
Where can you find the Facility Priority Listing?
UCC Binder
UCC / MFE Share Z Drive
What general and primary trackers do 3e6s maintain?
Events Log
Facility Damage Tracker
PAR Tracker
DART Tracker
Accountability (DIME)
FPCON Checklists
Crater Tracking (Bonus)
What three bags/kits must be kept and stored within the UCC?
Bugout Bag
What are ESFs, and which ESF reps (You can name 4) are present for this incident?
ESF 3 - Public Works and Engineering
ESF 4 - Firefighters
ESF 5 - Emergency Management
ESF 7 - Resource Support Responsibilities
ESF 10 - Oil and Hazardous Materials Response
Who are we reporting the accountability completion numbers to?
Superintendents for each element, and the EOC (if stood up)
What are the DARTs authorized to do?
Repair, condemn, or demolish damaged facilities.
DART has the authority to initiate emergency repairs to correct immediate life, health, safety conditions or to protect government property from further damage without higher- level approval.
What are the four types of maps that must be maintained at a minimum?
Water Utility Maps
Zone Maps
Electrical Maps
List five things that must be discussed during shift changeover (or Superbowl brief)
MOPP Status
Alarm Status
Duress Word
Chem Code
DIME Count
New CSDs
What two checklists are needed for on-base aircraft incidents?
Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Response Checklist
Advanced Aerospace Materials (Composites) Checklist
Explain how traffic flow is directed for members coming in to sign for accountability
"Horseshoe Method"
Recalls organized by element --> shop
What AFSCs does the ADAT consist of?
3E8X1 (2) and 3E5X1 (1)
3E6X1 can and has served as augmentees