18.1 nationalism + effects
18.2 Italy and Germany
18.3 Meiji Japan
18.4 Qing China
18.4 Qing China

Define Nationalism.

"intense pride and loyalty towards others that speak one language, share history, and customs", like patriotism on steroids, love own nation and hate others


What nation dominated both Italian States and German States?

-Austria/ Austrian Empire


Since the 1600s Japan had been ruled by the __ __

1853, which nation arrived in Japan? who was the main guy representing this nation? How did Japan react?

_Tokugawa_ _Shogunate_

-U.S.A, Matthew Perry, came with warships showcasing power and wanting trading privileges. Japan feared they were too weak so they agreed to trade.


Who were the Manchus? What did they do in China?

-(1644) group of people, from Manchuria, overthrew the Ming Dynasty and established the Qing (pure) Dynasty

-Similar to Mongolians, but not. Not nomadic, similar location

In 1851, ___ ____ led a peasant rebellion against the Qing Dynasty, capturing Nanjing. 

Describe who this person was and 3 things they enforced/ believed in

_Hong_ _Xiuquan_

-Was a peasant, failed civil service exams multiple times, was mad, had a fever dream where Jesus told him to make a change, revolt against the Qing. Xiuquan believed himself to be related to Jesus, seen as a prophet (Christian).

-Socialism: equality among classes, sharing; Equality of sexes; Banned vices (alcohol, gambling)


What 2(/3) things that led to a rise in nationalism?

-Napoleonic Wars: Napoleon's warfare turned everyone against France, everyone loved their own country more now

-Railways and the Printing Press: new tech that united people/towns


What was Giuseppe Mazzini's vision of a unified __? did he succeed? 

His vision of a unified _Italy_ was a democratic society, the working class took control of the government.

he failed


What did Japan call the foreigners that flooded into Japan, and why? what did this cause?

in 1868, a ___ resulted in the overthrow of the __ and restoration of the ____'s power?   

Who became the Emperor?

-"barbarians", brought Western ideas and customs, causing tensions for the Japanese

-_revolution_  _shogun_  _emperor_

-Meiji (birthname Mutsuhito)


How were the Manchus to Chinese culture?

What is one thing they kept from Chinese culture and one thing they brought?

How was trading affected by the Qing dynasty?

-Adopted many Chinese practices, but also forced Chinese men to submit to Manchun culture (enforced idea that Manchun > Chinese )

-Civil Service Exams

-Queue hairstyle

-Limited trade, only available in Southern port of Canton

In 1864, how did the Qing Dynasty respond to the Taiping rebels?

-defeated them with the help of Western nations (many Western nations where Christain, disapproved of Xiuquan claiming he was related to Jesus, exploded his body via cannon just in case he was so he couldn't come back).


What are Independent Movements?

Did nationalism lead to this?

-Nations breaking free (or attempting to) from the rule of larger empires



What Kingdom was able to unite Italy and how?

-Kingdom of Sardinia

-Allied w/ France, provoked and attacked Austria, annexed small middle states in Italy, then bottom states, and lastly larger middle states


Meiji Reforms

Japan (slowly/rapidly) modernized using ___ nations as a model. It established a ____ ____?

What were 3 other political/ military reforms?

Rapidly, _western_

_Constitutional_ _monarchy_

-National Legislature (diet)

-Abolished Feudalism (no daimyo, shogun, samurai)

-Conscription (no samurai to protect, men called up and used guns) 


What was Britain's relationship with China?

What was being imported from, and exported to, China?

What was the point of the 1793 Macartney Mission, was it successful?

-Britain had a trade deficit w/ China in the 1700s

-Britain received Silk, Porcelain, and Tea; China wanted nothing from Britain

-This mission's goal was to increase trading (by opening more ports) with China. But Macartney was disrespectful to Chinese customs, which angered the Emperor into saying Britain had nothing of use. not successful.


Foreigners kept coming, China was fed up and times were hard. In the 1880s, what was formed by some people? what did they do? what did they believe?

-A secret peasant society, used martial arts (foreigners called them Boxers because of this) and believed they had supernatural powers that protected them. They targeted foreigners and Christains


What are the four nations we learned about that had Independence Movements? Which one failed?


->Greece from Ottomans (1821)

->Belgium from Netherlands (1830)

-> Serbia from Ottomans (1878)


->Poland from Russia (1830)


What German State led the unification process of Germany?

-Prussia (strongest and largest)


Meiji reforms

What happened to the economy?

what are 3 economic reforms?

-Became Industrialized

-Silk factories + Railways big thing now

-Compulsory Education (required education with a focus on Tech.)

-Zaibatsus: powerful families control sectors of economy, gov't sells factories to them


Who was smuggling Opium to China, why?

In 1839 the Qing dynasty did what to this?

In 1842, who won the war, why?

-Britain, used poppy flowers grown in India to make the Opium drug. Smuggled to China to get them hooked, means Britain will be profiting

-The Qing destroyed the British opium, sparked war

-Britain; had superior naval tech, won even though it wasn't in their territory


In 1900 the Boxers briefly took control of ___, which the Qing dynasty did or did not approve of? what else did they do during this time?



-took many foreigner prisoners


What are Unification Movements?

Did Nationalism lead to this?

What are two key nations that formed this way?

-Smaller states uniting with each other based on common traits to form powerful nation-states.


-Italy (1871) and Germany (1871)


Who accomplished German unification and how?

-Otto von Bismarck

-"Blood and iron"; expanded Prussia's military influence, won wars and controlled more German states, fought Austria and provoked a France v Prussia war, and merged North German Confederation with South making German Empire


Why did Japan expand/ go to war? what did they hope to achieve?

what are 3 territories they got, who did they fight to get them?

-Hoped to gain access to raw materials for industrial growth

-1879-Ryukyu Islands (easily acquired)

-1895- Taiwan from defeating China

-1905-war with Russia resulted in Japan winning and getting Korea


What was the resulting treaty after the war? describe it

How did China feel about this treaty? because it did what?

-Treaty of Nanjing:Indeminty (~$20 billion): payed by loser (China)   Hong Kong: Britain received land, mix of cultures   End of the Canton System: more ports opened up

-Humiliated and frustrated; because there was an increase of foreigners (new ideas, China didn't like) and taxes (to pay off Indeminty)

Soon, in 1901, The ___-___ ___ invaded Bejing and did what to the Boxers and started what Protocol? describe it.

_Eight_-_Nation_ _Alliance_; crushed the Boxers (stopped rebellion_

The Boxer Protocol:

-Indemnity (~$60 billion) ( other nations were kinda profiting from war!)

-Legation Quarter: part of Beijing, foreigners resided here (foreign armies too) controlling + profiting