Why Britain?
German Unification
Italian Unification
More "ISMS"
natural resources, harbors and rivers, capital/stable banking system, inventors/inventions, preceding agricultural revolution
What are reasons the Industrial Revolution began in England?
The effort to re-establish monarchies in Europe after Napoleon's defeat is an example of this political movement, aimed at keeping things as they were traditionally.
What is conservatism?
He was the Prussian prime minister who unified over 30 germanic states into a single nation known as Germany.
Who is Otto Von Bismarck?
He and his Red Shrit army conquered southern Italy and turned it over to King Emmanuel of Piedmont, leading to the eventual creation of the modern nation of Italy.
Who is Giuseppe Garibaldi?
Gothic novels like Frankenstein and Eugene De LaCroix's paintings are both examples of this movement in art and literature.
What is Romanitcism?
This is a person who has capital to invest and is willing to take a risk to start a company.
What is an entrepreneur?
Russia, Prussia, France, Britain, Austria
What countries led the Congress of Vienna?
This sums up Bismarck's militaristic and nationalistic approach to unifying Germany.
What is "Blood and Iron?"
Prime Minister of Piedmont who is largely credited with the creation of the modern nation of Italy.
Who is Cavour?
The American Revolution and all other political revolutions that followed are examples of this "ISM."
What is liberalism?
This is the type of economic system we have in the U.S. in which we are free to own our own business and compete in the free market and try to make a profit in order to stay in business.
What is capitalism?
This was the idea that not one nation would become too powerful to dominate all of Europe like Napoleon had done.
What is balance of power?
This is what Bismarck and Cavour both had in common.
What is both used nationalism to unify their countries?
Along with nationalism, this "ISM" is another key factor in the changes that led to a unified Italy.
What is liberalism?
The movement of production from the cottage industry to the factory system led to this "ISM."
What is industrial capitalism?
long hours, harsh treatment, and low wages
What are conditions children and other workers faced in the early days of industry?
The principle of legitimacy and policy of intervention established at the Congress of Vienna were both aimed at maintaining monarchies and preventing revolutions and are examples of this "ISM."
What is conservatism?
The loyalty of germanic people, or any people, to their values, traditions, and a geographic region are examples of this.
What is nationalism?
The people who sought unification of Italy used the achievements of this ancient empire as a rellying point for their nationalism?
What is ancient Rome?
Tradition is a large part of these two political "ISM's
What are nationalism and conservatism?
Many of this novelist's books focused on real issues faced by the lower and middle class in Britain during the industrial revolution.
Who is Charles Dickens?
Revolutions throughout Eurpoe in 1830 and 1848 are examples of this "ISM."
What is liberalism?
Before the late 1880's, neither of these countries existed yet.
What are Germany and Italy?
This empire helped breed strong nationalism in both Germany and Italy because it dominated areas in both.
What is Austria?
Pasteur and other scientists of the time would be most closely related to this "ISM."
What is realism?