This business practice was an attempt to control every phase of business production from raw materials to transportation, manufacturing, + distribution.
What is vertical integration?
Belief that workers have the right to freely negotiate and enter into arrangements without gov't interference, essentially meaning that workers and businesses should be able to agree on terms like wages and working conditions without regulation, often associated with laissez-faire economics.
What is liberty of contract?
The invention of this in the 1860s encouraged large, enclosed ranches close to railroad connections. It kept animals from wandering off and it eliminated Native American's access to huge amounts of territory.
What is barbed wire?
This 1876 Battle marked a turning point in relations between western Indians and the US gov't after 250 Americans were killed during "Custer's Last Stand."
What is the Battle of Little Big Horn?
In 1887, Congress established this to help keep railroad prices "fair." It was the first federal agency intended to regulate the economy but it could only sue in court.
What is the Interstate Commerce Commission? (ICC)
This involves an attempt to drive rivals out of business through cutthroat competition, price fixing, + production quotas. Rockefeller used it to control 90% of the oil industry.
What is horizontal integration?
The federal gov'ts response to the Great Railroad strike of this year signaled that attention would shift from Reconstruction of the South to the "labor problem" of the North and West.
What is 1877?
Prior to 1850, very few white Americans lived west of this line.
What is the 100th meridian?
The "Great Sioux Reservation," which would eventually be greatly reduced, was established through this treaty.
What is the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868?
This was the largest citizens' movement of the 19th century. It was founded in TX and spread to 43 states. It tried to assist citizens without direct help from the gov't.
What is the Farmers' Alliance?
These were legal devices whereby the affairs of several rival companies were controlled by a single director.
What are trusts?
This was the largest labor org of the Gilded Age. It was known for being inclusive because it included skilled + unskilled workers, men + women, and blacks + whites. It did exclude Asian Americans however.
What is the Knights of Labor Union?
Hundreds of thousands of white families acquired farms under this Act and many more purchased land from speculators and railroad companies that had been granted huge tracts of public land.
What is the Homestead Act?
These are 3 essential problems involved in the treaty- making process between Native Americans and the US gov't.
What are:
“Tribes” and “chiefs” often chosen arbitrarily by US gov’t, not enough interpreters, tribes could not control people who were not part of the flawed decision-making process, Land use vs. land ownership, Different concept of sovereignty→ elected representatives vs. consensus of kinship elders
This Populist candidate for president argued that the gold standard ensured that there was not enough money in circulation and called for a currency based on silver. He delivered the famous "Cross of Gold" speech.
Who is William Jennings Bryan?
Depending on one's point of view, business leaders of the Gilded Age were typically seen as ___________ or ____________?
What are captains of industry or robber barons?
This was a religious movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that aimed to apply Christian ethics to social problems that seemed to be getting worse during the Gilded Age.
What is the Social Gospel movement?
This is the description of a Gilded Age "liberal, " very much unlike those called "liberals" in modern times. (must ID 2 characteristics)
What is a group that supported laissez-faire economics, little gov't intervention in the economy? Also believed lower-income groups were using gov't to advance their own interests and that democracy was becoming a threat to individual liberty + property rights.
After the end of the reservation system in 1871, relations between Indians and the US gov't was largely determined by these organizations and legal arrangements ? (must name 2 )
What are the Military, the Indian Bureau, legislation + executive orders?
Republicans argued against abandoning the gold standard for this reason.
They argued it would make the value of currency unstable and would make creditors unwilling to extend loans.
A theory that emerged in the late 19th century, asserting that human societies and cultures evolve through the same natural selection process as biological species. AKA "Survival of the Fittest."
What is Social Darwinism?
A violent confrontation between police and labor protesters that occurred on May 4, 1886, in Chicago. A bomb was thrown during a rally advocating for an eight-hour workday.
What is the Haymarket Affair?
Urban politics were marked by corruption during this period. This was one of the most famous "political machines" of the time that essentially traded welfare for votes.
What is the NY Boss Tweed Ring?
These are the provisions of the Dawes Act (must name 2).
What are land redistribution into smaller plots, the trust period, end of tribal sovereignty, sale of non-alloted land to whites, financial support for boarding schools?
This is 3 demands of the Populists (other than more currency in circulation).
Progressive Income tax, Government ownership of all forms of transportation + communication, Direct election of Senators, Civil service reform, 8 hr day, Immigration reform
This word means the "love of humanity" and was a way for the wealthy to demonstrate their wealth and social status, as well as to participate in public life during the Gilded Age.
What is philanthropy (phil-ann-thro-pee)?
In 1895, the SCOTUS found that the Sherman Act could not be used to breakup a monopoly b/c Congress could only control trade, not manufacturing. What industry was involved in this case?
What is sugar? (the US v EC Knight Company)
This SCOTUS case struck down state laws that limited the hours people could work in a day because they went against the "liberty of contract."
What is the Lochner case?
This is the significance of the Ghost Dance. (must describe what it was and what important battle it led to)
What is a late 19th-century Native American religious movement that represented a desperate attempt to resist white settlement and cultural assimilation through a spiritual practice, ultimately culminating in the tragic Wounded Knee Massacre?
In 1894, federal troops were used to disperse this group of unemployed workers who marched to Washington, DC demanding economic relief.
What is Coxey's Army?