
Read the following words with correct pronunciation

Mall, Ball, Tall, Hall


Answer using the correct tense

What do you study at school?

Present tense

I study English, Math, and Science at school.


Choose another student. Ask and answer about age.

How old are you?

I'm 33 years old. And you?

I'm 25 years old. 


What do you see in the picture?

window, wall, ceiling, floor, door, clock, calendar, desk, chair, chalkboard, monitor (tv)


Read the following sentence with correct pronunciation. 

What time did the wall fall?


Answer using the correct tense.

What did you study when you were in Kindergarten?

Past Tense

I studied art and writing. 

I used to study art and writing. 


Choose another student. Ask and answer about food.

What's your favorite food?

I like chicken. How about you?

I don't like chicken. I like fish.


What do you see in the picture?

clock, wall, floor, light, plant, bowls, fridge (refrigerator), microwave, drawer, cabinet, dishwasher, plates, mugs, cups, wine glasses, spoon, fork, frying pan, pot


Read the following phrase with correct pronuncation.

How tall is your kitchen wall?


Answer using the correct tense.

What will you study in university?

Future Tense

I will study engineering. 

I'm going to study engineering. 


Choose another student. Ask and answer about hobbies. 

What do you like to do?

I like to read books. How about you?

I don't like to read. I like to play games. 


What do you see in the picture?

Sky, sea, waves, sand, beach, children, boogie board, bikini, flip flops, beach bag, sunglasses, towels, water bottle, beach towel


Read the following tongue twister with correct pronunciation. 

If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?


Answer using the correct tense.

What are you studying now?

Present Continuous. 

I'm studying English right now. 


Choose another student. Ask and answer about work.

What do you do for a living? / What's your job?

I'm a teacher. I work at the school. Where do you work?

I work at the hospital. I'm a nurse. 


What do you see in the picture?

Forest, trees, table (picnic table), family, binoculars, mugs, picnic basket, apple, orange, bread, lantern, kettle, grill, bench, skewer, tent, camping chair


Read the following tongue twister with correct pronunciation. 

She sells seashells by the seashore. 


Answer using the correct tense.

What languages are becoming more popular? 

Present Continuous

Chinese and English are becoming more popular every year. 


Choose another student. Ask and answer about dreams and aspirations. 

What do you hope to do in the future? 

I really want to travel to every country and learn about new cultures. What is your dream?

Someday I hope to write a book and become a millionaire. 


What do you see in the picture?

lobby, teller, clerk, customer, window, line (queue), sign (logo), computer, counter, mask