18th Century
18th Century II
19th Century
Late 19th Century
19th - Early 20th cen.

Wright’s painting encapsulates in one moment the Enlightenment, a philosophical shift in the eighteenth century away from traditional religious models of the universe and toward an empirical, scientific approach.

"A Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrery (in which a lamp is put in place of the sun)", c. 1766, oil on canvas


Inside a lush garden, a young woman in a billowing pink gown glides through the air.

What is The Swing?


This Artist created the aquatint series The Disasters of War from 1810 to 1820

Who is Francisco Goya?


This artist and his controversial nude painting occupies a pivotal moment in art history. Situated on the threshold of the shift from the classical tradition to an industrialized modernity, it is a perfect metaphor of an irretrievably disappearing past and an as yet unknowable future.

Who is Manet?


This print of a woman adjusting her hair is one of the hundreds that Mary Cassatt made in her in-home studio in the summer and fall of 1890 and in the winter of 1891. It was inspired in part by a woodblock print in her personal collection,

What is The Coiffure, by Mary Cassatt?


According to the French academies of art, the highest genre of painting was

What is History Painting


While works like The Swing would be critiqued as symbols of the moral decay of aristocratic culture, they were immensely popular during this artistic period in the later eighteenth century.

What is the Rococo?


In this painting the artist transports the viewer to the Orient, a far-away land for a Parisian audience in the second decade of the nineteenth century (in this context, “Orient” means Near East more so than the Far East).

What is the Grand Odalisque?


Courbet’s brushwork is rough—more so than might be expected during the mid-19th century. This suggests that the way the artist painted his canvas was in part a conscious rejection of the highly polished, refined style that came before it.

What is Neo Classical?


Ever since Commodore Matthew C. Perry helped to open imperial Japan to Western trade in 1853, Europe had become fascinated with Japanese culture which led to this style.

What is Japonesme?


Cabrera also likely modeled this painting on images of male scholars seated at their desks.

What is the Portrait of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, c. 1750, oil on canvas?


This painting depicts three men, brothers, saluting toward three swords held up by their father as the women behind him grieve

what is Jacques-Louis David, Oath of the Horatii?


This painting portrays the ramifications of the initial uprising of Spanish against the French, right after Napoleon’s takeover

The Third of May, 1808


If we look closely at this painting of 1849 (painted only one year after Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote their influential pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto) the artist’s concern for the plight of the poor is evident.

What is the Stone Breakers by Courbet ?


Second only to Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, this painting may be the most iconic human figure in the history of Western art

What is Edvard Munch's, The Scream?


She lived as a nun of the Jeronymite order (named for St. Jerome) in seventeenth-century Mexico (then part of the Spanish viceroyalty of New Spain

Who is Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz?


History paintings referencing classical art from the 18th century are categorized in this art movement.

What is Neo Classical art?


At the tender age of 16 years—he won the Académie’s first prize in drawing. Clearly destined for great things, he packed his trunks less than six months later and moved to Paris to begin his instruction in the studio of Jacques-Louis David, the most strident representative of the Neoclassical style.

Who is Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres?


To an eye trained in the classical style, this painting was clearly no respectful homage to Titian’s masterpiece; the artist offered instead an impoverished copy

What is Olympia?


He visited the Pacific island Tahiti in French Polynesia staying from 1891 to 1893. He then returned to Polynesia in 1895, painted this massive canvas there in 1897, and eventually died in 1903, on Hiva Oa in the Marquesas islands.

Who is Paul Gauguin ?


This is a mechanical model of the solar system, a miniature, clockwork planetarium. Each planet, with its moons, is a sphere attached to a swing arm which allows it to rotate around the sun when cranked by hand.

What is an Orrery?


The court painter to Queen Marie-Antoinette at the royal palace at Versailles in 1778

Who is Vigée-LeBrun?


The first thing a viewer may notice in this painting is the monumental—and nude to the waist—female figure. Her yellow dress has fallen from her shoulders, as she holds a bayonetted musket in her left hand and raises the tricolor—the French national flag—with her right.

What is Liberty Leading The People by Eugene Delacroix, 1830?


This artist  is often referred to as the father of Impressionism

Who is Manet?


This painting suggests that the figures have mysterious symbolic meanings and that they might answer the questions posed by the work’s title. And, in the manner of a sacred scroll written in an ancient language, the painting is to be read from right to left

What is Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?, Paul Gauguin 1897–98, oil on canvas?