Know Your Original Songs
Apply Yourself To Reading And Teaching
Children In The Bible
Complete The Verse
Name The Bible Book

And the work that we do isn't easy, but it's all for Jehovah

And the love that we feel for our fam'ly is real so this we say to you

What Is: We're Your Family


This helps us to vary our volume by increasing our volume to highlight main points and to motivate our listeners 

What Is: Modulation (Study Point 10)


She promised that she will give him to tabernacle to serve Jehovah

Who Is: Samuel


You are worthy, Jehovah our God to receive the glory and the honor and the power

What Is: Because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.(Rev.4:11)


6 letters- GUDSEJ

What Is: Judges


You wave at me from across the stadium.

What a beautiful sight!

I feel refreshed like a newborn baby

If I'm not careful, I'll start to cry 

What Is: Joy Of Conventions


This helps us to arouse and maintain interest by asking rhetorical questions that stimulate a mental response or curiosity.

What Is: Use of Questions (Study Point 3)


She was a servant in the house of Na'aman

Who Is: The Shulamite Girl


In the days of those Kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed .And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people

What Is: It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms and it alone will stand forever (Dan.2:44)


5 letters-AONHJ

Who Is: Jonah


There people are suffering, fighting for change

But among God's people, we trust in his name,

So we must stick close to his word,

And remain no part of this world

What Is : With Jehovah, We Are One


This helps us to think about our listeners by preparing our hearts by reminding ourselves of the problems they face. Try to imagine how they feel  

What Is: Warmth and Empathy (Study Point 12)


She made friends with people who didn't serve Jehovah

Who Is: Di'nah


Trust with Jehovah with all your heart 

What Is: And do not rely on your own understanding.(Pr.3:5)


4 letters-LOEJ

Who Is: Joel


Think of all the things you haven't seen. Well, you-

You'll never see them if you're focused on the superficial.

You need real friends if you know what I mean

What Is : Look At Me


This helps us to choose simple illustrations. Like Jesus, he used little things to explain big things, and easy things to explain difficult things. Make sure that the features of your illustrations really apply to the lesson you are teaching so that your listeners are not distracted by mismatched elements.

What Is: Illustrations That Teach (Study Point 8)


They were jealous of him

Who Is: Joseph


Do not be anxious ,for I am your God

I will fortify you, yes I will help you

What Is: I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. (Isa.41:10)


4 letters-SAOM

What Is: Amos


Wherever you go, you will have family near.

Because wherever you go; Jehovah's people are there.

And you'll fell love.

You'll feel love,

A brotherly love,

So feel the love

What is: Brotherly Love


Determine why you are reading the scripture.

Introduce each scripture in a way that draws your listeners' attention to the key point you are making with the verse

 What Is: Scriptures Properly Introduced (Study Point 4)


They were in the most beautiful in all the land

Who Is : Jemi'mah Kezi'ah and Ker'en-hap'puch


When under trial, let no one say I am be tried by god

What Is: For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone (James.1:13)


11 letters-YMORONEUTED

What Is: Deuteronomy