Film History
Literary Design/Performance
Visual Design
Temporal Design
A knowledge and love of film
What is Cine-literacy
An annotated script with added shots, angles, camera movements, lighting, blocking, music, etc.
What is the shooting/Director's script?
any object or element repeated for meaning
What is visual motif?
1. The rectangle comes from the theater 2. Classical Framing – 1.33:1 (4x3) – the Edison/Lumiere ratio 3. Widescreen Framing – 1.85:1 (5.5x3) – standard since 1950s, HD television 4. Anamorphic/Cinemascope/Panavision – 2.35:1 (7.05x3)
What is Aspect Ratio?
staying on the same side of the plane
What is the 180 degree rule?
Technology, Business, Art/Entertainment, Cultural Product
What is the 4 sides of a film?
1. what the film is about and a. the idea behind or attitude toward the subject
What are - subject and theme of a film?
Key Light, Fill Light, Back Light
What is 3 Point Lighting?
the arrangement of objects and players in relation to each other within the frame.
What is Proxemic Patterns (element of Staging)?
there must be a shift of at least 30 degrees in size and/or angle between shots (otherwise it feels like a mistake)
What is the 30 degree rule?
The human mind holds an image for a fraction of a second after you see an image – creates the illusion of motion
What is Persistence of Vision?
Omniscient First Person - Inside and Outside Third Person Multiple
What is the types of Literary Point of View?
1. Can be studio-built, location, and/or computer generated. 2. something used to move the story forward; used by actors 3. Design elements of the set
What is Decor, Props, and Set Dressing?
1. The black frame helps draw attention, distinguishes from the background 2. Working within boundaries; all art works within borders 3. Selecting and ordering from life
What is Framing?
connects the movement between shots
What is cutting on movement?
Invented by Dr. John Paris, spinning coin that makes the bird appear in the cage from the other side.
What is a Thaumatrope?
off- and on-screen stories about the player Actors bring their previous work and baggage to their roles
What is player's mythology?
1. the emotional overtone, the feeling conveyed 2. physical sensations, sensory – smells, weather, etc.
What is Mood and Atmosphere?
1. The relationship between the spectacle/subject and the spectator/camera 2. Depends on the distance of the camera from the objects it is photographing and on the focal length of the lens. a. Read about lens in the Reader.
What is Proxemic Patterns outside the frame?
creates spatial discontiguity and temporal discontinuity. i.e. jump cuts
What is breaking the continuity rules of editing (discontinuity)?
Astonishment, Novelty, Realism, Urbanization, Affordability, Accessibility, Clean, Narrative, Community, Tapped into human dreams, hopes, fears, instincts, and pleasures.
What are the reasons films caught on?
Dialogue, Action, Business
What is elements of a player's performance?
1. Something objective/physical/concrete used to convey something subjective/spiritual/abstract 2. Essentially, a visual metaphor
What is an objective correlative?
a. The spatial relationships among the elements in the frame. b. i.e. Placing two actors right next to each other in the frame versus far apart.
What is Proxemic Patterns (inside the frame?)
1. A juxtaposition of shots 2. Creates a psychological effect; invokes a concept that is not present in either of the two shots by themselves
What is collision/soviet montage?