
What did Orville and Wilbur Wright create in 1903?

A: The first successful man-powered airplane

B: The first working submarine

C: The first working helicopter

D: The first working car 

A: The first successful man-powered airplane. 

This invention opened new opportunities for transportation, and tourism. This invention led to the growth of jobs, travel, and global connectivity. The success of this invention began the industry that continues to play a role in the economy today.


True or False

Was William McKinley assassinated in 1901?


William McKinley was the 25th president of the United States and favored businesses. He led the country into a period of industrial growth. He also defeted Spain during the Spanish-American war. Williams decisions and actions left a lasting impact on the politics of his time. 


What event in New York started in 1907?

A: First Broadway Show

B: Twin Towers are built

C: The first ball drop

C: The first ball drop

The ball drop became a iconic event the symbolizes the start of a new year. It brings many people together for celebrations all around the world. It has a lasting impact on society by creating a tradition that happens every year and continues to unite people all around the world.


Who was the most famous Artist in 1908?

A: Yuno Miles

B: Billy Murray

C: Kanye West

D: Lata Mangeshkar

B: Billy Murray. 

Billy Murray was a popular American singer during the early 20th century. He was known for his development of the music industry. Murray's music help popularize many music genres such as ragtime, and early jazz. Murray's influence on music left a lasting legacy in the history of music.


True or False

Was the Model T that Henry Ford created in 1908 electric?

False it was gas powered. 

The Model T had a massive impact on the economy by changing the way people lived and worked. His creation of the Model T made cars very affordable with this car only costing $850. This also led to many jobs in manufacturing and transportation.


Who became president in 1901?

A: Joe Biden

B: Theodore Roosevelt

C: Herbert Hoover

D: William Taft

B: Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore was the 26th president of the United States. He was know for his progressive policies, and efforts. He accomplished many things like avoiding labor strikes, expanding the system of national parks, national forests, and he promoted the conservation movement. Overall, Theodore Roosevelt's influence on politics was very significant.


True or False

Was the first World Series played in 1909?

False it was played in 1903.  

The first world series helped popularize baseball and brought many people together to admire the game. The competition and joy contributed to the growth of baseball. The first world series also developed the sport and it's culture to what it is today.


What type of hat was popular in the 1900s?

A: Bucket hat

B: Trucker hat

C: Straw cartwheel hat

C: Straw cartwheel hat. 

These hats were an accessory for both men and women but mostly women. Hats reflected someone's style, and occupation. Hats were a symbol of elegance. The popularity and style of hats have evolved to what we have today.


How long was the Panic of 1907?

A: 10 years

B: 3 weeks

B: 3 weeks.

This crisis caused many reactions of this like a bank run, and a stock market downturn. As a result of this panic there was a push for financial reforms, that led to the establishment of the Federal Reserve System.


Who became president in 1909?

A: Bill Clinton

B: William Taft

C: Richard Nixon

B: William Taft

William Taft was the 27th president of the United States. He focused on expanding the role of the federal government in regulating business practices. Some of his accomplishments were that he promoted American Businesses, and that he was the 10th Chief Justice of the United States. Taft's hard work on politics left a lasting legacy.


True or False

The world's first Nickelodeon opened showing a silent film called Beverly Hills?

False the show was called "The Great Train Robbery."

This show started the future for Nickelodeons success. This show led the way for Nickelodeon to become a leading network. The show did not only entertain but it also had a lasting impact on society.


True or False

Was Nellie Melba one of the best opera signers in the early 20th century?


Nellie was an influential Australian opera singer in the early 20th century. Nellie's performances not only elevated the standard of operatic singing but also popularized opera as an art form. Her contributions to the world of opera singing helped inspire future performers.


What year did Triple AAA start?

A: 1902

B: 1909

C: 2000

D: 1900

A: 1902.

The Triple AAA company played a big role in shaping the automotive industry. Because of this company there was now more road safety and now people had more confidence with road travel.


What act was signed in 1900?

A: Gold Act

B: Civil Rights Act

C: The Pacific Railway Act

D: Hype Act

A: Gold Act

The Gold Act was officially establishing gold as the only standard for redeeming paper money. It was used to create a more stable currency system. This act influenced trade and economic stability. This act played a big role in developing the policies of the United States.


What was the name of Times Square before they named it Times Square?

A: Buffalo

B: Long Acre Square

C: New York Times

B: Long Acre Square. 

After they changed the name to Times Square it showed the beginning of a transformation that would shape New York City. Times Square became an iconic symbol of culture attracting tourists, artists, and businesses worldwide.


What was the most popular men's clothing in 1900?

A: T-Shirt

B: Suit

C: Crocs

D: Hoodies

B: Suit.

The suit play a big role in shaping culture. It was a symbol of formality, and status. Men wore suits to a lot of things like, business events, and for elegance. The suit also is a symbol of power and respect. The suits impact set standards for formal attire and influenced how they present themselves in society.


What war ended in 1902?

A: Second Boer War

B: World War l

C: War of the Golden Stool

A: Second Boer War

This war was fought in South Africa with the British Empire fighting the Boer Republics. This war led to the military spending a lot of money and materials. The aftermath of the war showed that the war affected the landscape of the region.


What state became a state in 1907?

A: New Jersey

B: New Mexico

C: Hawaii 

D: Oklahoma

D: Oklahoma

Oklahoma became a state in 1907 becoming the 46th state of the United States. Oklahoma also influenced electoral abilities, as the state begun to play a role in presidential elections. Oklahoma also affected the balance of power in federal politics.


What year was the first Nobel Prize?

A: 1901

B: 1909

C: 1687

A: 1901

A Nobel prize is a any of six international prizes awarded annually for outstanding work in physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, and literature. The Nobel Prize was not only to celebrate achievements but also to celebrate inspired individuals that worked hard to get this award.


What was the main clothing items girls wore in the 1900-1909? 

A: Leggings

B: Dresses

C: Skirts

D: Jeans

B: Dresses. 

In the early 20th century dresses for women were often tailored to specific occasions showcasing elegance. Dresses have not only been a piece of clothing but also a meaning of cultural representation.