The Great War
Sports & Games
We are brothers from Dayton Ohio.  We started out working with and repairing bicycles, but eventually became aviation pioneers by inventing the airplane. 

Who is Orville and Wilbur Wright?


Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and eventually Japan and the United States became part of this alliance against the Central Powers of Germany, Austria, Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.

What are the Allied Powers?


This city in the US experienced a huge famous earthquake in 1906.

What is San Francisco?


1903 is when the first one of these games was played to determine the absolute best team. In 2023, it was the Texas Rangers who won this. 

What is the World Series?


This book was published in 1900 and the story is still popular today, but most people watch the movie because who can resist Munchkin Land or the Emerald City?

What is "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"?


My name is Erik Weisz and am originally from Hungry, but I changed my name to sound more like well known French Magician Robert Houdin.  I ended up becoming even more famous than he is. 

Who is Harry Houdini?


Georges Clemenceau was President of what country during WW1?

What is France?


In 1904, the US started building a famous canal that would be a direct route for ships rather than traveling around South America.  The country with this canal. 

What is Panama?


The famous baseball song that started being played in stadiums in 1909.

What is "Take me out to the Ball Game"?


This book launched a series of books about a plucky, smart orphan girl who gets adopted by Marilla and Matthew Cutbert and lives on Prince Edward Island in Canada. 

What is "Anne of Green Gables"?

People think JFK was actually the youngest President, but it was me. I took over when William McKinley was assassinated after being elected in 1900.  I am also known for saying, "Speak softly but carry a big stick."

Who is Teddy Roosevelt?


The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand from  this country was a key event in WW1.

What is Austria?


While it's now a US State, in 1901 this place officially became a US Territory.

What is Hawaii?


This popular sport in the 1900's was one people didn't even participate in; they just watched. Later famous competitors include Seabiscuit and Secretariat. 

What is Horseracing?


Originally a play in 1904, this story became a book a few years later and remains popular today as everyone likes the idea of flying when you sprinkled with fairy dust and lost boys get into alot of trouble without mothers around.

What is "Peter Pan"?


I am an artist from Spain known for my painting. I am famous for an artistic movement called Cubism, but that came later in my career. During 1901-1904 I was in my Blue Period.

Who is Pablo Picasso?


This happened on Nov 11, 1918.

What is Armistice?


The 19th Amendment, ratified in 1920, gave who the right to vote?

Who are women?


This relatively new sport was just invented the decade before and grew in popularity because college started competing in it.  It's currently the 3rd most popular sport in the US.

What is Basketball?


1901 brought the book "The Hound of the Baskervilles" which continued the adventures of this famous detective and his sidekick Watson.

Who is Sherlock Holmes?


I am Polish, but people think I am French because I shortened my name and spent most of my life in France.  I am the first woman to win the Nobel prize in science and I won it twice-once for physics in 1903 and in 1911 for Chemistry. 

Who is Marie Curie?


John J. Pershing was the Commander of the American Expeditionary Forces during WW1.  His nickname is also the name of a card game where you want your cards to total 21.

What is Black Jack?


In 1916, 4 years before women had the right to vote, Jeannette Rankin ran as a Republican and won a seat in the US House of Representatives representing this state.

What is Montana?


This game was played by girls during recess. All you needed was a pebble to toss and a stick to make 10 squares in the dirt.  

What is hopscotch?


1902 was a great year for Beatrix Potter who brought this famous rabbit and his siblings to life.

Who is Peter Rabbit?