The Roaring Twenties
Great Depression Causes
Great Depression Effects
The New Deal
Important People

What is one technology from the roaring twenties?

Automobile, radio, movies


What was "Black Tuesday"?

The day that the stock market crashed.


People did not have a lot of money during the Depression. Because of this, they bought fewer products. When fewer products were being bought, what happened to the factories?

They either closed or cut down on production (produced less products.)


What were the 3 major goals of the New Deal?

The 3 Rs- Relief, Recovery, and Reform!


This president was famous for coming up with the New Deal.

Franklin Roosevelt.


How did radio change American culture?

It became a form of entertainment.


There was a surplus of crops after World War I. What does "surplus" mean, and what effect did the surplus have on American farmers?

A surplus is when there is too much of a product. Crop prices fell and farmers lost their jobs.


During the Great Depression, crop prices went down even more. What happened because of this?

Farmers lost their jobs because they were not making enough money.


This New Deal agency provided jobs for young men, gave them a place to live and food to eat, and even sent money home to their family. This agency is most famous for planting trees in public parks.

The CCC (The Civilian Conservation Corps)


This president was blamed for the Great Depression.

Herbert Hoover.


How did commercials effect American culture?

People started to buy the products that the heard about in commercials.


Why did the banks close?

Too many people had bought stocks on credit and could not pay the money back. People tried to take all of their money out of savings, and the bank did not have enough money to give to each customer. Many people lost all of their savings.


When factories closed and cut back on production, what happened to people who worked at the factories?

People lost their jobs.


This New Deal agency employed people to build roads, schools, bridges, parks, and airports.

The WPA (Works Progress Administration)


This Harlem Renaissance author wrote both prose and poetry, mostly about African American life.

Langston Hughes.


How did going to the movies changed American culture?

People began to copy the style of their favorite stars.


What is a stock? Why did the stock prices fall leading up to the Great Depression?

A stock is a share of a company. Stock prices fell because companies were not making as much money.


Americans were unhappy with Herbert Hoover because they blamed him for the Great Depression. What happened because of this.

Franklin Roosevelt was elected in 1932.


This agency also provided jobs to people building dams along rivers to prevent flooding and power plants to provide electricity to the region.

TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)


This person was a famous jazz composer.

Duke Ellington.


What was Prohibition?

The complete ban on the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol.


What happened when oil and concrete replaced coal and timber as sources for fuel and construction?

People in coal mines and lumber mills lost their jobs.


During the Depression many people lost their homes. They built small homes called shanties out of cheap materials. What were towns of these shanties called?



Who was the president  during the New Deal 



This baseball player set a record for the number of home runs hit in a season and made baseball entertaining for people.

Babe Ruth.