Sacco and Vanzetti
Modernists vs Traditionalists
Leisure Time
The Red Scare
Consumer Culture

Sacco and Vanzetti had this type of political identification.

What is anarchists? (radical)


Most Traditionalists lived in these types of areas in America during the 1920s.

What is rural. 


Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhardt were famous examples of this phenomenon, where airplane pilots would go from town to town putting on air shows. 

What is barnstorming. 


This is the most effective tool for workers to gain favorable changes in their working environment. 

What is a strike. 


In the 1920s, many advertisers targeted this about American consumers. 

What are their insecurities?


Which group did Sacco and Vanzetti represent to most Americans?

What are immigrants?


This is an example of the changing cultural norms of the Modernist "New Woman" of the 1920s. 

What is: more education, changing styles, ability to vote, "flapper" lifestyle. 


This is the reason many Americans began enjoying leisure time in the 1920s.

What is labor unions had won time off (8 hour workday, weekends off) for the American worker. 


In 1919 and 1920, these types of strikes shut down entire American cities when other industries would strike in support of the original industry's workers on strike. 

What is a general strike. 


Convinced by advertisers to buy many products that they did not need, many Americans used this to buy products that they did not have enough money for. 

What is credit?


Despite lack of clear evidence, this was Sacco and Vanzetti's fate after their trial. 

What is execution? (electrocution)


Supported by the Traditionalists, 18th Amendment to the US Constitution outlawed this. 

What is alcohol. 


Athletes such as Babe Ruth became celebrities for this reason. 

What is the invention of the radio, their purposeful connection to their audiences, or their supreme athletic skills.  


This world wide union which supported skilled and unskilled workers and was in favor of Communism, was accepting many American workers in 1919 and 1920.

What is the IWW (Wobblies)?


The popularity of the automobile in America during the 1920s led to this change in the surface of roads throughout the country. 

What is paving roads?


This is the reason why Sacco and Vanzetti lied to the police about their actions on the day of the murder. 

What is they were not explained why they were arrested? (Afraid of being jailed for radicalism).


This was the central issue of the Scopes Trial. 

What is the teaching of evolution in public school. 


American sports became events that would draw a crowd for entertainment during their leisure time, also known as this type of sporting event. 

What are spectator sports?


In 1920, many Americans were scared that the United States would turn Communist because a Communist revolution had recently happened in this country in 1917.

What is Russia?


Advertising showed Americans the many new these in America, several of them from George Washington Carver. 

What are new inventions?


Many people around the world, and most historians today believe that Sacco and Vanzetti were convicted of murder because of this.

What is bias against immigrants and radicals. (Also they were draft dodgers).


This group of Americans tended to be young, wet, and urban. 

What are the Modernists?


This is the reason why sporting leagues were segregated in America during the 1920s. 

What is Jim Crow (Plessy vs Ferguson, or Separate But Equal)?


In 1920, this aggressive response to the Red Scare from the federal government sent over 6,000 people to jail and deported hundreds more. 

What are the Palmer Raids?


This new invention was in most middle class American households during the 1920s. 

What is the radio?