Fun Facts
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This singer, songwriter, and trumpeter grew up in poverty in New Orleans and became the first popular African American entertainers to both black and white audiences.  His nicknames included Satchmo, Satch, and Pops.  Some of his most famous recordings include “When the Saints Go Marching In” and “What a Wonderful World.”

Who is Louis Armstrong?


This black folk dance was popular in the 1920's and originated in Charleston, South Carolina.

What is The Charleston?


With alcohol being outlawed, people turned to underground clubs called ________________________, which were home to live jazz music to entertain the patrons.

What are speakeasies?


This is one nickname for the 1920's decade.

What is The Roaring 20's or The Jazz Era?


This composer wrote “An American in Paris” and “An American in Paris” which made him known for creating a unique fusion of jazz, classical, musical, and opera styles.  He often wrote music with his brother Ira including the song “Someone to Watch Over Me.”

Who is George Gershwin?


What genres did George Gershwin blend together to write pieces such as "Rhapsody in Blue" and "An American in Paris"?

What is classical and jazz?


The name of the constitutional law that banned the production, sale, and transportation of alcohol in an effort to lower crime and corruption.

What is Prohibition?


This product was invented in 1928, and is famously advertised by a "little lad" wearing knickerbockers.

What is bubble gum?


The “Empress of the Blues,” who became the highest paid entertainer of her day despite still discriminating against her calling her “low class?.

Who is "Bessie Smith"?


Most dance music in the 1920’s resembled what we would call _____ ______ today, but at the time it was considered Jazz and it had elements of the formerly popular Ragtime music

What is Big Band?


In 1929, this form of listening was accessible in vehicles for the first time.

What is a car radio?


In 1925, Clarence Birdseye invents a process that makes these products possible.

What is frozen food process?


This jazz trumpeter grew up in Davenport, Iowa and went on to play in numerous jazz orchestras in the Chicago area after he was there to attend boarding school.  He was known for his pure sound and ability to improvise beautiful melodies which can be heard on his recordings “Singin’ the Blues” and “Riverboat Shuffle.”  He struggled with alcoholism and died at the young age of 28.

Who is Bix Beiderbecke?


Field hollers and work songs were a form of _______ _____ _________ where slaves would give rhythm and melodies to messages called back and forth across the fields.

What is call and response?

(aka: "I don't know what I been told")


This form of listening to music hit Pittsburgh, PA in 1920 and swept the nation by 1922.

What is radio?


This US president served from 1921-1923 and died from a heart attack. His reputation was tarnished by scandals and affairs and is regarded as one of the least liked presidents.

Who is Warren G. Harding?


After Warren G. Harding, this man served as president from 1923-1929.

Who is Calvin Coolidge?


This piano player and songwriter created a simpler ragtime style called “stride piano.” He became the first African American to write a hit Broadway musical. Some of his most famous songs include “Ain’t Misbehavin’” and “After You’ve Gone.”

Who is Fats Waller?


This genre of music started in the South as a mix of spirituals, folk songs, slave work songs, hymns and dance music.

What is Blues?


When jazz began to expand out of New Orleans, these two major US cities became the next two hubs for jazz musicians.

What is Chicago and New York City?


This historic event on October 29, 1929, also called "Black Tuesday", sent the US into the Great Depression.

What is the stock market crash?


Can you do the Charleston? 500 points to a team that can do it correctly.