African Americans in the 20s
Great Depression
The New Deal

A movement in a NYC neighborhood that promoted the growth of African American Art, literature and poetry.

What is the Harlem Renaissance?


I am a famous bootlegger that finally was arrested for tax evasion. "I can get away with murder but not from the IRS".

Who is Al Capone?


The idea that government should not get involved with the economy and business.

What is laissez-faire? 


Buying stock by putting only a part of the money down and getting a loan for the rest

What is buying on margin?


Allows the federal government to oversee farm policy and pays farmers in order to stabilize the price of crops.

What is the Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA)?


A combination of pain and anger of the past into fast rhythms and sounds

What is jazz?


This idea by Charles Darwin states that man has changed over time for being an ape.

What is Evolution?


Why was the Sacco and Vanzetti trial such a huge issue in the 1920's?

What is two innocent men were electrocuted for murder without enough evidence- they war foreign anarchists


The day that stock market crashed on Wall Street.

What is Black Tuesday of 1929?


Employed thousands of young men for projects on public lands and in national parks to preserve natural resources.

What is the CCC? What is the Civilian Conservation Corps?

An illegal bar that sold alcohol
What is a speakeasy?

Double Jeopardy:

Makes the sale and production of alcohol in the United States illegal.

What is the 18th Amendment?


Under the Harding Administration, the Secretary of Interior Albert B. Falls sold oil rights to private companies and was illegally paid for the deal. 

What is the Teapot Dome Scandal?


Double Jeopardy:

 As banks ran out of business people began racing to the banks to try and take out their money.

What are bank runs?


Creates the program that helps Americans save for retirement by taking part of their paycheck each month to be saved by the government.

What is the Social Security Act?


The Great Migration

What is when many African Americans moved north?


A movement started by mostly women to get rid of alcohol in the U.S.

What is the Temperance Movement?


This event started with several bombs throughout American cities that were blamed on radicals. Thousands of innocent people were arrested and deported because he thought they were communist.

What is the Red Scare?


A group of WWI veterans that asked for their pension money early.

What is the Bonus Army?


The 3 main parts of the New Deal

What is Relief, Recovery and Reform?


A poet in the 1920's, who expressed feelings of discrimination in his past.

Who is Langston Hughes?


Amendment that repeals prohibition and allows the sale and production of alcohol again in the United States.

What is the Twenty-first Amendment?


A high school biology teacher in Tennessee was fired and fined for teaching evolution on the high school

What is the Scopes Trial?


 This number rose to all time highs during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

What is the unemployment rate?


Plan where FDR would be able to add more Supreme Court Justices to the Judicial Branch and this would allow him to nominate his own supporters to the Supreme Court.

What is the "court packing" plan?