president who called for a return to normalcy following WWI
Warren G. Harding
Mass movement of African Americans to northern cities.
The Great Migration
Mass withdrawals from banks, causing financial collapse.
Bank Runs
New Deal program to boost agricultural prices.
Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
U.S. policy avoiding involvement in foreign conflicts.
32nd US President - He began New Deal programs to help the nation out of the Great Depression, and he was the nation's leader during most of WWII
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Cultural movement celebrating African American art and literature.
The Harlem Renaissance
When people speculated and borrowed money to invest in the stock market, planning to pay it back when they earned a profit.
Buying on the Margin
New Deal agency for large-scale public works.
Public Works Administration (PWA)
Policy of conceding to aggressor to avoid conflict.
Movement advocating strict adherence to Christian beliefs.
Christian Fundamentalism
Over a 3 day period, mobs of white residents of a city, attacked black residents and businesses in an area that was called "Black Wall Street."
Tulsa Race Massacre
Region of the Great Plains that experienced a drought in 1930 lasting for a decade, leaving many farmers without work or substantial wages.
Dust Bowl
established in 1933 to construct dams and power plants in a southern state to generate electricity as well as to prevent floods
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Authoritarian political ideology emphasizing nationalism and control.
Italian radicals who became symbols of the Red Scare of the 1920s; arrested , tried and executed for a robbery/murder they they likely didn't commit.
Sacco and Vanzetti
African American leader during the 1920s who founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and advocated mass migration of African Americans back to Africa. Was deported to Jamaica in 1927.
Marcus Garvey
1930 tariff raising import duties, worsening Depression.
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
New Deal agency that promoted economic recovery by regulating production, prices, and wages
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
Province in northeast China invaded by Japan in September 1931
Aviator known for the first solo transatlantic flight.
Charles Lindbergh
Poet who described the Culture of African American life. He wrote about hope and defiance, and had a major impact on the Harlem Renaissance.
Langston Hughes
A preoccupation with the purchasing of material goods.
New Deal program employing young men in conservation.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
an international agreement that aimed to prevent war by making it illegal for countries to use war as a means of resolving disputes. It reflected the interwar period's desire for peace and stability.
Kellogg-Briand Pact