The Return to Normalcy
1920's cultural trends
1920's boom and bust
Hoover and the Great Depression
FDR and the Great Depression
Two of the major themes of the "return to normalcy"
What are nativism and isolationism
An effect of the great migration. NYC neighborhood with political activists, poets, musicians, and artists.
What is the Harlem Renaissance.
hands-off, a deregulated marketplace
What is laissez-faire
The year and month of the stock market crash
What is October of 1929
What are the first 100 days?
What is an unprecedented government intervention to promote relief, recovery, and reform
The main cause of the red scare
What is the Bolshevik Revolution
Three characteristics of the urban 1920's woman.
What is flapper style, independence in job choice, living single without husband and family.
The street in NYC synonymous with big business and corporate US.
What is Wall St.
despite an economy that was crashing Hoover believed that the markets would do what?
What is "correct themselves" and bounce back into a normal business cycle.
What is considered the greatest legacy of the New Deal?
What is the Social Security administration and the safety net it helped create.
Three presidents during the 1920's. What is one thing they all have in common?
What is Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover Pro-business laissez-faire attitude
Three effects of Prohibition
What is the Speakeasy culture, increased organized crime, increased corruption
Three of the most desired consumer items of the 1920's
What is the car, radio, ,modern appliances
Hoover's attitude toward US citizens during the Great Depression
What is Americans are tough and they need to show their 'rugged individualism'
What did the FDIC and the SEC do?
What is reform the banking system and the way in which stocks were traded on Wall St.
Name of attorney general known for deporting anarchists and socialists.
Who is A. Mitchell Palmer
The center of advertising in US. Responsible for the 1920's consumer culture.
What is Madison Ave.
The primary cause for the debt crisis of the late 1920's.
What is consumer credit
Hoover's attempt to stimulate the economy.
What is the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. relief to industry but not individuals.
Who were three critics of the New Deal
Who was Huey Long (populist), Dr. Francis Townsend(more aid for the elderly), Father Charles Coughlin(New Deal too socialist)
The Return to Normalcy was abandoning what?
What is Progressive Era reforms. Regulation to keep business and government corruption in check.
Symbolized the cultural divide between rural and urban US.
What is the Scopes Trial
The reason everyone kept purchasing consumer goods despite increased debt.
What is many people believed the US had entered an age of permanent prosperity.
Hoovervilles, Hoover blankets, hoover flags
What are shanty towns, newspapers, and empty pockets. Symbolized public dissatisfaction of the president.
What was the effect of the New Deal? What really ended the Great Depression?
What is the New Deal provided hope for a nation on the verge of collapse. The arsenal of democracy after Pearl Harbor was attacked on 12/7/1941 is 10x the amount of stimulus provided by the New Deal.