Famous People
Changes in Society
African American Culture

Who was Henry Ford?

founded the Ford Motor Company and invented the Model T car. He also introduced the moving assembly line method of production to car manufacturing


What is Prohibition?

legal prevention of the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages in the United States from 1920 to 1933


What was the Red Scare?

a form of public hysteria provoked by fear of the supposed rise of leftist ideologies in a society, especially communism


What is the Great Migration?

the movement of six million African Americans out of the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest, and West


What were some impacts of the auto?

  • Paved roads, traffic lights

  • Motels, billboards

  • Home design

  • Gas stations, repair shops

  • Shopping centers


Who were Sacco and Vanzetti?

two Italian-born immigrants, workers, and anarchists, who were tried and convicted in 1921 for the armed robbery and murder of two payroll guards


What is Nativism?

prejudice against foreign born people


What did the Immigration Quote of 1921 do?

Limit immigrants from southern and eastern Europe


What are some reasons why African Americans left the South?

to escape racial violence, pursue economic and educational opportunities, and obtain freedom from the oppression of Jim Crow.


How did the radio transform society?

Once radios became widespread and affordable, they connected people in ways never before possible. By the 1920s, a few decades after Marconi's first broadcast, half of urban families owned a radio. More


Who was John Scopes?

a teacher in Dayton, Tennessee, who was charged on May 5, 1925, with violating Tennessee's Butler Act, which prohibited the teaching of human evolution in Tennessee schools


What ended prohibition?

the 21st amendment


What was the Tea Pot Dome Scandal?

after Harding elected his friend to a cabinet position (Secretary of Interior), his administration became corrupt with bribery


What was the Harlem Renaissance?

an intellectual and cultural revival of African American music, dance, art, fashion, literature, theater, politics and scholarship centered in Harlem, Manhattan, New York City, spanning the 1920s and 1930s


What did Henry Ford invent?

Assembly Lines


Who was James Weldon Johnson?

lawyer and diplomat who served as executive secretary at NAACP for a decade, he was also a composer who wrote the lyrics for "Lift Every Voice and Sing," known as the Black national anthem


How did women's roles change during the 1920's?

Women found their lives changed in more than appearance, however. Society now accepted that women could be independent and make choices for themselves in education, jobs, marital status, and careers


What was the Return to Normalcy?

Harding's campaign promised a return to "normalcy," rejecting the activism of Theodore Roosevelt and the idealism of Woodrow Wilson. Harding's conception of normalcy for the 1920s included deregulation, civic engagement, and isolationism


What did Louis Armstrong introduce?

 an early form of jazz and highly imaginative solos on the cornet and trumpet


What did Assembly Lines do?

breaks the manufacture of a good into steps that are completed in a pre-defined sequence. They reduce labor costs because unskilled workers are trained to perform specific tasks


Why did General Palmer start the Palmer Raids?

To try and catch suspected communists 


How did the 1920's change society?

many Americans owned cars, radios, and telephones for the first time. The cars brought the need for good roads. The radio brought the world closer to home. The telephone connected families and friends


what is Calvin Coolidge remembered for?

The strong economy combined with restrained government spending produced consistent government surpluses, and total federal debt shrank by one quarter during Coolidge's presidency. Coolidge also signed the Immigration Act of 1924, which greatly restricted immigration into the United States


Who said this:

"We return. We return from fighting. We return fighting. Make way for Democracy! We saved it in France, and by the Great Jehovah, we will save it in the United States of America, or know the reason why."—from The Crisis, May 1919 

W.E.B Du Bois


What does "buying on margin" mean?

getting a loan from your brokerage and using the money from the loan to invest in more securities than you can buy with your available cash