The 20's presidents' economic policy of leaving businesses alone, not regulating, and not taxing too heavily, was known by this French term.
This amendment to the Constitution made the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol illegal.
18th amendment
Henry Ford's great achievement in the auto industry
Mass production by use of an assembly line, which made cars more affordable for many more people.
Young women who rejected traditional moral norms, dressed in the latest fashions, and typically lived in big cities.
Black Wall Street; thriving business, well-educated professionals in every field, good teachers and schools, resentment/jealousy from neighboring white communities
"Silent" Cal Coolidge became president due to this.
The death of President Warren Harding, for whom Coolidge was vice president.
WCTU or Anti-Saloon League
Effects of cars on economy and culture of the U.S.
Greater mobility, suburban sprawl, economy of car service, gas, motels, roadways.
Voting rights, political involvement, working in more professions due to demand during the war.
Event which triggered the massacre in Greenwood
Rowland, black young man from Greenwood, accused of assaulting white woman in an elevator. Arrested and white mob tries to lynch him; sheriff doesn't allow it, black WW1 veterans come to his aide, shooting breaks out; white mob attacks, kills, and burns the entire community.
The govenrment of the 1920's was favorable or not favorable towards labor unions?
Reasons why people pushed for prohibiton.
Alcohol leads to crime, violence, accidents, and debauchery, to the detriment of all society.
Financial situation in which people borrow money and pay it back in small monthly payments over time, with an interest charge.
installment loan
Ways in which family life changed during the 1920's.
Dropping birth rate, technology makes chores easier, more children go to school.
Aftermath and consequences of the massacre
Insurance companies refuse to pay
Rise in KKK membership
not talked about in white or black communities
Black community rebuilds on its own, with help from some groups incl Red Cross
This phenomenon named for a color, which led to anti-immigration sentiment and prosecution, arrests, and deportation.
Red Scare
Congressional act which set up the ineffectual, doomed prohibition bureau.
Volstead Act
Reasons why people bought more stuff. Give a specific example!
More "disposable" income, more leisure time to enjoy things due to technology, more advertisements in print and radio, urging people to buy.
Reasons why almost 1 million black Americans moved from the South to northern cities in the 1920's, in an even called this.
The Great Migration
escaping racial violence and Jim Crow laws, educational opportunities, and work in cities
The effort to try to pay the survivors of a travesty or their descendants is called this
This amendment gave women the right to vote at the beginning of the 1920's.
Some methods by which Americans continued to consume alcohol.
This printed item accompanied a newly-purchased Model T Ford in the 20's.
Anti-Jewish propaganda.
The Harlem Renaissance was characterized by these:
Efforts made in Tulsa today to make the situation right as much as possible
exhuming and identifying bodies; honoring the victims with memorials; mayoral apology in 2008