Modern Era
Civil Rights
Cold War
World War II
Great Depression

This person became the first African American President of the United States

Barack Obama


believed in civil disobedience, which he famously mentioned in his "letter from Birmingham Jail"

bonus: although this group is often viewed as militant, they believed in the use of violence as a means of self-defense

Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Black Panthers


ideological struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted from 1945 to 1989 

Cold War


"greatest manager ever"- he helped to organize the invasion of Normandy aka D-Day

Dwight Eisenhower

The stock market crashed on this date

Bonus: what is this day called?

October 29, 1929

Black Tuesday


These entrepreneurs exemplified the American dream

Estee Lauder, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Robert L. Johnson


these two people founded the National Farm Workers Association and organized a national grape boycott

Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez 


Policy of pushing a country to the edge of war, but not all the way into war



played a major role in the naval history of World War II as Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet and Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas, commanding Allied air, land, and sea forces during World War II.

Chester Nimitz


This practice of borrowing 90% of your investment and only using 10% of your own money was a cause of the stock market crashed

buying on margin


The first woman appointed to the Supreme Court

She is the first Hispanic and Latina Justice

Sandra Day O'Conner 

Sonia Sotomayor


these two women had contrasting views on the feminist movement

1. believed that the plight of women had been overlooked too long

2. believed that conservative family values should be prioritized over the rights of women

Betty Friedan 

Phyllis Schlafly


the policy of preventing the expansion of a Hostile Power



America joined the war because of this event

Attack on Pearl Harbor


President at the start of the Great Depression, he didn't give a dam

Herbert Hoover


riots occurred here because of the 1992 acquittal of four cops who were videotaped beating this African American man

bonus:  Drawing on their own experiences of racism and excessive policing, the group made inherently political music.They were known for their deep hatred of the police system, which sparked much controversy over the years.

Los Angeles

Rodney King

bonus: NWA


What is the court case that established "separate but equal?"

This court case set the precedent for desegregating schools

This court case overturned "separate but equal"

Plessy v. Ferguson

Mendez v. Westminster

Brown v. Board of Education

1965-1973 conflict in Southeast Asia, that involved the United States trying to contain communism

bonus: what resolution expanded the presidents' power? what resolution limited the presidents' power? What horrific event involved a US soldier having to stop the slaughter of civilians?

Vietnam War

bonus: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, War Powers Resolution, My Lai Massacre


diplomatic policy of making political or material concessions to an aggressive power in order to avoid conflict

-"paying the bully your lunch money to avoid getting beat up"



President that created a series of programs that helped pull America out of the Great Depression

FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt


a secret U.S. arms deal that traded missiles and other arms to free some Americans held hostage by terrorists in Lebanon, but also used funds from the arms deal to support armed conflict in Nicaragua.

This happened during whose presidency?

the Iran-Contra Affair

Ronald Reagan


These court cases reaffirmed first amendment rights of students and parents

Tinker v. Des Moines 

Wisconsin v. Yoder


this war almost led to world war III when MacArthur tried advancing into China from here

this war was ended by an armistice that separated the country at the 38th parallel, the DMZ

Korean War 


-1. United States pledged to lend not sell arms to Britain

- Bonus: Policy of having a country buy weapons and making them carry it on their own ship back to their country

lend-lease act

Bonus: cash and carry 

The New Deal Programs could be classified as...

Bonus: Name three programs...

reform, relief, recovery