1950s Prosperity
Political Headlines
Women in the 1950s
Hodge Podge
What type of area's population grew larger than rural and urban populations for the first time in 1950?
What is a suburb?
1952. "____________ Becomes Queen". This former princess starts her reign as Queen of England
Who is Queen Elizabeth II?
This option to prevent pregnancy was invented in the 1950s.
What is the birth control pill?
This former first lady and activist was voted the "most widely admired woman" in America in 1958.
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
This animated love story between two dogs from different sides of the tracks was the biggest box office hit in the 1950s.
What is Lady and the Tramp?
If you were born in the 1950s, you were born into a post war generation called...
Who are the Baby Boomer Generation / Baby Boom?
1957. "Troops Integrate Schools". In what city did this take place?
What is Little Rock, Arkansas?
This company created the first frozen TV dinners.
What is Swanson?
This beloved Argentinean first lady passed away at a young age of cervical cancer.
Who is Eva Peron?
This famous sports magazine was first published in 1954
What is Sports Illustrated?
From 1944 to 1956, this bill provided college scholarships and low interest, no money down home mortagages to veterans.
What is the GI Bill?
1954. "McCarthy Hearings to Be on TV". The televised investigation of this government organization led to the downfall of Senator Joe McCarthy.
What is the U.S. Army?
This 1950s invention is used to check levels of intoxication of drunk drivers.
What is the Breathalyzer?
These two sisters began beloved syndicated advice columns in the 1950s.
Who are Abigail van Buren and Ann Landers?
This series written by J. R. R. Tolkien was first published in 1954.
Lord of the Rings
President Eisenhower wanted emergency landing sites for airplanes and to connect all major cities in case the National Guard needed to mobilize, so he supported building this.
What is the Interstate system?
1953. "Stalin Dead". After Stalin died, this Soviet leader took his place.
Who is Kruschev?
This 1950's invention helped protect perfectly coiffed hairdos from wind and humidity.
What is hair spray?
This person became the first African American woman to win a major tennis championship.
Who is Althea Gibson?
After being accused of using campaign funds improperly, Nixon made a famous speech saying that he intended to keep what campaign gift?
Checkers the dog
This was the name given to Truman's package of legislation meant to increase minimum wage and enact a national health care program.
What is the Fair Deal?
1959. "Castro Seizes Cuba". Whom did Castro overthrow?
Who is Juan Batista?
This invention made it possible to go in and out of an entryway without touching a handle.
What is an automatic door?
What did Hazel Bishop create?
A kissable lipstick to start a cosmetics empire
J. Fred Muggs was not a person, but a monkey cohost of this show in the fifties
What is The Today Show?