1950's Culture
Korean War
Cold War
Red Scare
Grab Bag
The GI Bill gave soldiers many things--specifically these two opportunities when they returned from WWII.
What is housing & education money/grants?
This is the dividing line between North & South Korea.
What is the 38th Parallel?
During the Cold War, the USA & the USSR flexed their political muscles to prove who was stronger. This began out of the fear that one country would use _______.
What are nuclear weapons?
This person led the "witch hunts" against communists
Who is Senator Joseph McCarthy?
This is the current death toll (how many people died) in the explosion last week.
What is two?
On a Saturday night, you can find all the cool cats munching on popcorn and watching the latest flick here.
What is the drive-in theater?
_______ Korea has a Communist government.
What is North Korea?
The launch of Sputnik signaled that this country was "in the lead" of the Space Race.
What is the USSR?
What was the main results of the Red Scare?
What are... many reputations of people were ruined, careers lost and some people faced fines or jail time?
This is when the USA gave money to Europe to reconstruct after World War II... and gain some friends.
What is the Marshall Plan?
Your neighbor got a shiny new car. You've got a brand new credit card, so you want to get one too--just so everyone knows how fancy you are. This is known as__________.
What is Keeping Up with the Joneses?
________ Korea has a democracy and is a "friend" of the USA.
What is South Korea?
Propaganda led many US citizens to believe that their lives were in danger. Therefore, at schools and at home they practiced these drills.
What is duck and cover?
Many government officials were afraid that this political ideology would spread
What is communism?
This is the word for the country who has the most political power in the world.
What is a hegemon?
As people moved into the suburbs they often need ______, which also changes the culture of teenage dating.
What are cars?
This is a document that ends a war with both parties agree to disagree and keep the peace.
What is an armistice?
Many US citizens believed that their lives were in danger and so they spent a lot of money constructing these structures.
What are bomb/fallout shelters?
This journalist was the first person to take a stand against Joseph McCarthy and his hunt for communists.
Who is Edward R. Murrow?
The name of Ms. Tsimprea's cat.
Who is Sassafras?
TV shows in the 1950's often reflected this type of family.
What is a nuclear family?
The USA intervened in Korea because they were afraid that communism would spread. This aligned with their policy of ____________--to keep communism where it was, without it spreading.
What is containment?
This is when countries build up a lot of weapons with no real intention of using them, but it scares others from attacking them.
What is Deterrence Theory?
This form of economy is the opposite of Communism.
What is capitalism?
These four CPCMS teachers are all taking classes at Brooklyn College this year.
Who is Ms. Tsimprea, Ms. Clarke, Ms. Miller-Hughes & Ms. Hillman?