Civil Rights leader who promoted self-defense and Black Nationalism?
Malcolm X
Event in which America came close to Nuclear War?
Cuban Missile Crisis
In order to get men for the war in Vietnam, Johnson restarted what?
The draft
Barrier meant to block East Germans from going to West Germany?
Berlin Wall
Name of Soviet Satellite whose launch triggered the Space Race?
Bill that ended public segregation?
Civil Rights Act of 1964
What happened to both JFK and his brother Robert Kennedy?
The 1968 Democratic Convention saw protest over which issue?
The war in Vietnam
If one nation falls to Communism more will?
Domino Theory
Ended poll taxes and literacy tests
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Where protesters occupied space in order to protest segregation?
American plan to overthrow Fidel Castro?
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Johnsons set of domestic programs?
Great Society
JFK promised to do this and it won the Space Race?
Man on the Moon
Activists who rode busses in an attempt to desegregate public transportation in the South?
Freedom Riders
SNCC was made up of what group of people?
Student Activists
The Cuban Missile Crisis ended when?
The missiles were withdrawn
Name of Viet Cong offensive that created public scepticism about the war in Vietnam?
Tet Offensive
Nixon’s plan for "Peace with Honor"in Vietnam?
Massacre of Vietnamese civilians?
My Lai Massacre
Black Power organization that called for “land, bread, housing, ext”
Black Panthers
JFK's domestic programs were called what?
"New Frontier"
Gave the president authority to use military force in Vietnam?
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Herbicide that had terrible health effects?
Agent Orange
Case in which it was found that individuals needed to be read their rights before interrogation?
Miranda v. Arizona