HIT Movies
Cinema Experiences

Guess the character... 

Who is Pink Panther?


Where is this picture from? 

What is Psycho?


Which of these movies was Julie Andrews’s debut into film?

a. The Sound of Music

b. Star!

c. Mary Poppins

d. The Americanization of Emily

What is Mary Poppins?


True or False: Films in the 1960s became more explicit.

What is True? 


How many episodes aired in the show Jeopardy?

a. 9,200 episodes 

b. 8,000 episodes 

c. 2,500 episodes

d. 879 episodes 

What is 9,200 episodes?


Where does this meme originate from?

What is Spider-Man?


A romantic tragedy of two innocent teenagers who love one another despite the fact that their families are bitter enemies.

What is Romeo and Juliet?


Which of these 1960s movies did John Wayne star in?

a. Spartacus (1960)

b. A Space Odyssey (1968)

c. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

d. True Grit (1969)

What is True Grit?


What was the cost of a movie ticket in the 1960s? 

a. $1.50

b. $0.69

c. $0.24

d. $4.30

What is $0.69?


Cinemas had to continue to get creative when it came to bringing in patrons and the drive-in theaters were just one of the ways they could offer a new movie-going experience. About how many drive-ins remain in the U.S. today?

a. 400

b. 532,000

c. 1,690

d. 46,200

What is 400?


Rivalry between a mouse and a cat gets these two into all sorts of shenanigans.

What is Tom and Jerry?


The genre of the movie The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is...

a. Western

b. Gangster

c. Horror

d. War

What is Western? 


Who was the most popular director? 

a. Sergio Leone

b. Alfred Hitchcock

c. Ingmar Bergman

d. Robert Wise

Who is Ingmar Bergman?


After the Golden Age of Cinema, theaters within the 1960s became more _________. 

a. Popular

b. Expensive

c. Empty

d. Dirty

What is empty?


What cinematic invention failed miserably in the 1960s?

a. CinemaScope

b. Smell-O-Vision

c. Movie palaces

d. Multiplexes

What is Smell-O-Vision?


Where did the phrase “yaba daba doo” come from?

What is The Flintstones?


This is one of the most expensive movies ever made. Its budget of $44 million is equivalent to over $400 million in 2022.

a. Spartacus

b. The Magnificent Seven

c. Planet of the Apes

d. Cleopatra

What is Cleopatra?


Who played one of the most iconic film roles playing Holly Golightly in 1961's “Breakfast at Tiffany's," based on a story by Truman Capote?

a. Elizabeth Montgomery 

b. Audrey Hepburn 

c. Jessica Lange

d. Ann-Marget Olsson

Who is Audrey Hepburn?


What technological innovation changed the film industry in the 1960s?

a. Green screen 

b. Lightweight/portable equipment

c. Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI)

d. Steadicam

What is lightweight/portable equipment?


What invention caused the American movie industry to lose money in the 1960s?

a. Video game consoles

b. Plastic surgery 

c. Television

d. General motors

What is television?


Guess the theme song...

What are The Jetsons?


Based on a book, a controversial story about a 12 year old girl who was manipulated into being in an unrequited love story.

a. Romeo and Juliet 

b. Lolita

c. West Side Story 

d. Hello, Dolly!

What is Lolita?


Who was one of the most legendary actresses while being one of the pioneers of the Civil Rights Movement and an outspoken activist on human rights and social justice issues? 

a. Ruby Dee

b. Diahann Carroll

c. Abbey Lincoln

d. Dorothy Dandridge

Who is Ruby Dee?


What was a main tactic the film industry implemented to gain more engagement in their audiences?

a. Free popcorn

b. Longer movie runtime

c. Better looking staff

d. Made theater attire more casual

What is longer movie runtime?


In 1968, the Hays Production Code was finally replaced with the Motion Picture Ratings which began with these categories:

a. G, M, R, X

b. G, PG, PG-13, R

c. G, GP, R, X

d. G, PG-13, R, X

What is G, M, R, X?