What clothing style was very bright and colorful?
What is tie-dye?
Things were much more inexpensive in 1960 because of this thing.
What is inflation?
The first version of the internet.
What is ARPANET?
This music style was used to protest the Vietnam War
What is Rock and Roll?
The major fad that swept across America during the 60s.
What are hippies?
Who popularized the mini-skirt in the 1960s?
Who is Mary Quant
What was more expensive (with inflation), a new 1960 car or a new 2025 car?
A new 2025 car
This company made the first handheld calculator.
What is Texas Instrument?
This artist made many famous pop songs during the 60s.
Who is Frank Sinatra?
These two symbols became popular around the world (List both).
What are the smiley face and the peace symbol?
Who heavily affected women's fashion throughout the 1960s?
Who is Jacqueline Kennedy?
What was cheaper, a gallon of gas in 1960 or a gallon of gas in 2025? (Adjust for inflation).
A gallon of gas in 1960.
This material resulted from the Vietnam War.
What is Kevlar?
This band was the most popular band of the 1960s.
Who are the Beatles?
One trend that was popular with women in the 1960s.
Long granny dresses, long hair, beads, and big boxy glasses (any of these)
Name two popular styles from the 1960s.
What are: "beehive" hairstyles, bell bottoms, baby doll dresses, pillbox hats, Mary Jane shoes, flower prints/ tie-dye? (Any two).
What was more expensive, a dozen eggs in the 60s or a dozen eggs in 2025? (Adjust for inflation).
A dozen eggs in 2025.
Name the two inventors of the first ATM
Who are Fred J.Gentile and Jack Wu Chang?
Name one famous jazz musician from the 1960s.
Who are Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong or John Coltrane? (Any one).
2 drugs popular in the 1960s
What are marijuana and LSD?
What 1960s shoes are also the name of a Spider-Man character?
What are Mary Janes?
Who made more money, an average worker in 1960 or an average worker in 2025? (Adjust for inflation and assume they make the 'same' amount)
A worker in 1960.
This device made it much easier to listen to music in households.
What is a cassette?
This Jazz album was the most popular Jazz album in the 1960s.
What is a Love Supreme?
Two trends popular with men in the 60s.
What are long hair with beards, old vintage clothes, and tie dye (two of the three).