Domestic Affairs

Who was Nixon's Vice President that also resigned in scandal?

Spiro Agnew


What federal organization is created to protect the environment in 1970?

The Enviromental Protection Agency


What was the Carter Doctrine?

The US would resist by military force any Soviet attempt to push into the Persian Gulf. 

Ronald Reagan won handily in what two elections?

1980 and 1984


What was the name of the zealous Muslim leader that led the Iranian Revolution?

Ayatollah Khomeini 


What caused Nixon's popularity to decline before his resignation? 

His refusal to release the secret tape recordings made him look guilty, plus his very rude and offensive language was publicized when he released the edited transcripts. 


What happens at Wounded Knee in 1973?

Exactly 100 years after the Wounded Knee massacre, Native Americans capture the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota and take a few hostages. They were protesting and seeking for the US to honor its treaties with the Natives. 


Which event led to Carter's political decline and eventual loss to Reagan?

Though other reasons were in effect, the Iranian Hostage Crisis undermined America's faith in Carter.


The proposed development of what program put strain on the Soviet Union in its attempts to keep up with the US militarily?

SDI- Strategic Defense Initiative also known as "Star Wars"


What was FBI director Mark Felt's informant nickname in the newspapers?

Deep Throat


What part of the Watergate scandal actually led to Nixon's resignation?

There was not evidence on the released tapes that he knew about the break in before it happened, but there was evidence that he was involved in the cover-ups, implicating him in the scandal.


How does Phyllis Schlafy get people to oppose the Equal Rights Amendment? Is she successful?

She claimed that the amendment was unnecessary, as she had gone to college and law school without it. She claimed it would make it where women could not just be a homemaker if they wanted to be. They could be forced into the workplace, drafted, and not enjoy traditional protections women had by staying in the home. 

Yes, the ERA is never ratified. 


What factors play into Carter's victory in the 1976 election?

Ford was unpopular because of the Nixon pardon, the economy, and the fact that he was never elected. Carter, on the other hand, was a down to earth personality that campaigned on his strong faith and advantage as a DC "outsider"


What tragic event happens in Lebanon in 1983?

A terrorist drives a truck full of bombs into the US Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241. We were there supporting Israel and Lebanese factions in the Lebanese Civil War. 


What is the Religious Right? Give an example of a prominant person in this movement. 

It was a movement of Christians going from isolation in society/politics to being actively involved in politics. Televangelists campaigned and fundraised for conservative candidates etc. Pat Robinson and Jerry Falwell are major examples


Who was Leon Jaworski?

He was the special prosecutor on Watergate who prosecuted members of Nixon's administration on national television for months


What does Betty Friedan call the "problem with no name?"

That many women in the home are unhappy; they do not feel fulfilled as wives and mothers and want education and careers. But they are expected not to want these things and no one is talking about it, so it is the "problem with no name"


Why was the Iranian Shah unpopular, leading to the revolution in 1979?

He was spending all of Iran's money on US arms. He hoarded the country's land under government control, and he oppressed his people by contrantly spying on them with the SAVAK (secret police) and putting down anyone who opposed him. 


What was the Iran-Contra affair?

Reagan's administration was secretly selling weapons to Iran in exchange for their help freeing hostages in Lebanon (even though Reagan claimed he would never negotiate with terrorists). The money from those sales was then being illegally funneled to Nicaraguan Contras in their civil war against the Communist Sandistas. 


What caused the 1970s oil embargo?

The United States supported Israel in its fight against Egypt and Syria in the October War (1973 Arab-Israeli War). Israel won with US arms, which angered the neighboring oil-rich Arab countries. OPEC cut off oil exports to the United States from Oct 1973- Jan 1974


What was the full date of the Watergate break in?

June 17, 1972


Explain stagflation and how this phenomenon happens in the United States

Stagflation is when inflation is high and unemployment is also high because of a stagnant (declining) economy. Inflation was driven by the shortages of the energy crisis and also the government printing money to pay off Vietnam War and Great Society deficits (no gold standard after 1971). Stagnation was caused by our trade deficit, where we were importing more than we were exporting, so our own production and employment declined. 


What happens at Camp David in 1978 and what country leaders are there?

Egypt (Anwar Sadat) and Israel (Menachem Begin) come together at the presidential retreat at Camp David with President Carter. They make a peace agreement where Egypt will get the Sinai Peninsula back in exchange for recognizing Israel as a country. 


Explain how tax cuts in Reaganomics were intended to boost the economy

In theory, cutting cororate taxes meant that companies had more money. They would use that money to expand and hire more people. More people would be making income, and therefore spending. This spending boosts the economy and encourages production.


What day did Nixon resign?

August 9th, 1974