Dave's actual birthday.
What is March 23, 1985?
Paula Abdula's first top 40 hit.
What is "Straight Up"?
The 1985 Stephen Spielberg film whose sequel is in the works. We hope to see
Sean Astin and Josh Brolin in this one too!
What is The Goonies?
The brand of Sneakers Run DMC made popular in his Walk this Way music video.
What is Adidas?
Whose are Prince Charles and Princess Diana?
The sport Dave excelled at as a kid.
What is soccer?
The red-headed British singer who released the 1987 song "Never Gonna Give You Up".
Who is Rick Astley?
The city the movie Ghostbusters takes place in.
What is New York City?
The fashion trend of cut-off sweatshirt, leg warmers and tights was influenced by this
1983 film.
What is Flashdance?
The name of the shuttle involved in the first fatal accident
of a spacecraft in flight in 1986.
What is Challenger?
Everyone knows Dave is a San Diego Padre's Fan. This former player, number 19,
is his all-time favorite.
Who is Tony Gwynn?
The1983 song that launched the career of Cindy Lauper.
What is "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"?
The iconic 1980'a movie whose main character could be said to be a red Ferrari.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
The fitness guru, who was an early contributor to the aerobics craze of the 1980s,
had a video titled "Sweatin to the Oldies".
Who is Richard Simmons?
What is the San Francisco 49ers?
Dave's favorite meal.
What are Enchiladas?
The year the first music video was released on MTV.
What is 1981?
One of the main songs, "She's Like the Wind" from this 1987 film was co-written by
the lead actor in the film.
What is Dirty Dancing?
The ancient Chinese toy that was re-popularized in the 80s.
What is the Hacky Sack?
The President and Vice President in 1985.
Who are Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush?
What Dave would have actually worn on his wedding day if Lindsey
let him.
What is a kilt?
Winner of Record of the Year in 1985.
Who is Tina Turner?
The film that won the Oscar for best movie and best actor in 1985.
What is Amadeus?
The 1981 video game that was the first to tell a story during the game.
What is Donkey Kong?
The wreckage from this disaster in 1912 was discovered on September 1, 1985.
What is the Titanic?