Fun Facts

The king of pop who helped popularize MTV 

Who is Michael Jackson?


The name of the space shuttle that exploded in 1986

What is the Challenger Space Craft? 


Alternative names for supply-side economics

What are Reganomics & Trickle Down Economics? 


The two presidents in office from 1980-1989

Who are Ronald Regan and George H.W. Bush?


The name for the theory that explains why there was an increase in the number of cop shows during the 1980s

What is Sukol's Theory?


Names of at least four movies from the 1980s

What are the: The Breakfast Club, Karate Kid, The Outsiders, Top Gun, E.T., The Dead Poet's Society, Die Hard, The Shining, Footloose, Heathers, Airplane, and more? 


The new and devastating previously unknown disease of the decade

What is AIDS? 


The name that summarizes the excessive consumerism in the U.S. for this decade

What is the Decade of Decadance? 


The party name that both presidents of the decade were a part of

What is the Republican Party? 


The name of the movie that was most popular in the 1980s

What is E.T.?


Names of at least two fashion icons

Who are Jane Fonda, Madonna, Princess Diana, Janet Jackson, Blondie, Whitney Houston, & Brooke Shields (and more)? 


The name for the movement that started in 1982 and was in North Carolina where the NAACP helped to protest against a toxic waste site in an African American community. 

What is the Environmental Justice Movement? 


The name for the day that the stock market crashed in 1987 due to overvalued stock, rising interest rates, and a U.S. trade/budget deficit

What is Black Monday? 


The name of the first female justice appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court

Who is Sandra Day O'Connor? 


The combination of snacks that was rumored to have killed someone

What are Pop Rocks and Coca-Cola? 


The name of the fear phenomena surrounding the endangerment of kids during the period

What is Satanic Panic? 


A secret operation in which the US government secretly sent weapons to a known enemy and sent financial aid to a rebel force.

What is the Iran Contra Affair? 


The parts of government de-regulation by Regan that led to an increase in national debt

What is the name of Regan's plan to increase Military spending, utilize reganonomics, and decrease government spending on programs? 


The name Ronald Regan's Russian counterpart 

Who is Mikhail Gorbachev? 


The movie that inspired the growth of Karate in the U.S.

What is Karate Kid? 


The name for career-minded younger individuals at the time

What are Yuppies?


The names of the American artists that played at Live Aid, the protest for starving children in Ethiopia

Who are Bob Dylan, The Pretenders, Paty Label, Run DMC, Madonna, Joan Vaez, The Four Tops, Rick Springfield, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Beach Boys, Bryan Adams, and more? 


The name for the event with high inflation and high interest rates in banks from a lack of regulation led to collapses of savings and loans. This was due to consumers being unable to pay back their loans. 

What is the Banking Crisis?


The person whose career in government was ended due to their illegal involvement with the Iran Contra Affair and who later became president of the NRA

Who is Oliver (Olie) North? 


The type of candy that Regan kept on his desk and used to quit smoking

What are jelly beans?