This comedy-drama film features a group of high schoolers spending detention together.
The Breakfast Club
If you needed to reach Jenny, you would dial this number.
This accessory was popularized by the iconic 1980's film Top Gun.
Ray Ban Aviator Sunglasses
The 1980 Olympic Games were held here.
Moscow, Russia
Los Angeles Lakers with 5 wins.
This popular car was turn into a time machine in the film Back to the Future.
The guy whose girl Rick Springfield wish he had in his 1981 hit.
This clothing brand had the slogan 'when you put it on, something happens.'
Members Only
This is the year the Berlin Wall was torn down.
This Spanish golfer won the 1980 Masters Trounament.
Seve Ballesteros
'Buffy' was the original name for this iconic Star Wars character.
This guy played the guitar solo in Michael Jackson's song 'Beat It.'
Eddie Van Halen
Thanks to the rapper MC Hammer, this item of clothing became legendary.
Parachute Pants
The advertising slogan of 'Just Do It' launched by Nike in this year.
In 1988, this horse became only the third filly in history to win the Kentucky Derby.
Winning Colors
In 1988, Matt Damon scored his first speaking role, and Julia Roberts hit her big break with this film.
Mystic Pizza
In 1989 you might have seen 'a faded sign at the side of the road that says 15 miles to' this location.
The Love Shack
This item was essential in the 80's if you were 'power dressing.'
Shoulder Pads
The Titanic, which sank in 1912, was found in this year.
The Summer Olympics were held in this American city in 1984.
Los Angeles
This iconic cartoon started as a series of short skits on the Tracey Ullman Show in 1987.
The Simpsons
This 1982 album was one of the best-selling albums of all time.
Thriller by Michael Jackson
Thanks to the show Little House on the Prarie, this dress designer became hugely popular.
Laura Ashley
This computer sold in the 1980s still holds the Guinness World Record for the highest-selling computer of all time.
The Commondore 64
This baseball player hit the most home runs in the 1980s.
Mike Schmidt