What's Winston last name?
What is
Who is Julia to Winston?
Who is
His lover
What is the two minutes of hate?
What is
A daily event to stir up hatred
Which sweet treat was hard to get a hold of?
What is
How old is Winston?
What is
Where did Julia get all the delicious treats from?
What is
The black market
What are the consequences by not following the partys rules?
What is
Public execution or forced to commit suicide.
Who invented newspeak?
What is
The party
When was the first time Winston and Obrien saw each other?
What is
At the 2 minutes of hate
What does Julia symbolize in the book?
What is
The party is divided into three groups
Name the three groups.
What is
The inner party
The outer party
What book is Syme in the middle of creating?
What is
The newspeak dictionary
Which department does Winston work at and what does he do?
What is
he works in the records department where he rewrites historical records.
Where does Winston and Julia normally meet up?
What is
Above Mister Charringtons shop
Name the four ministries.
What is
The ministry of truth
The ministry of peace
The ministry of plenty
The ministry of love
Who is Emmanuel Goldstein?
Who is
the Partys biggest villain and the face of to minutes of hate
What is Winstons neighbors name?
What is
The Parson family
Which type of bird sang in the forrest while Julia and Winston had a fun ;) time in the forrest?
What is
A thrush
What is the partys slogan?
What is
War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strengt
How many chapters are there in the book all together?
What is
24 chapters